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Sentiers de randonnée longue distance

The Schluchtensteig – in 6 stages through the canyons of the Black Forest

Sentiers de randonnée longue distance

The Schluchtensteig – in 6 stages through the canyons of the Black Forest


The Schluchtensteig – in 6 stages through the canyons of the Black Forest

Randonnée - Collection par komoot



5-6 h

/ jour

119 km

3 010 m

3 130 m

The Schluchtensteig trail in the south of the Black Forest leads you into some of the most untouched river valleys in Germany. On exciting trails, you hike through the narrow Wutach Gorge, visit the Wehraschlucht gorge and explore the Windbergschlucht gorge. While you're on the trails, you'll leave civilization completely behind, before catching back up to a more charming form of it in the numerous small towns and villages that make up the stage destinations of this trek.

The Schluchtensteig trail runs in six stages from Stühlingen on the Swiss border across the Schluchsee to Wehr. It will take you 73 miles (119 kilometers) and force you to conquer over 9,800 feet (3,000 meters) in elevation gain. Therefore, especially during the first three stages that lead you through the Wutach Gorge, solid hiking boots and sure-footedness are a must. And, while, the trail is doable in winter, it can become pretty uncomfortable with unexpected weather changes and unannounced hazards impeding your way during the colder months of the year. Therefore, we recommend hiking these routes between May and September.

Almost all the valleys of the Schluchtensteig trail are protected and some of the forests were declared banished forests several years ago. Here, nature thrives without human influence. Although the paths are checked at regular intervals, it can happen however that fallen trees render parts of the trail unpassable, so pay attention to any officially published route changes.

Regarding accommodation in this region, due to the Black Forest being one of the visited areas in Germany, you shouldn't have a problem finding somewhere to stay. Nevertheless, it is worth reserving all nights in advance — nothing is more annoying than not finding a comfortable bed after a long day of hiking.

All the stages of the canyon trail are connected all year round by public buses and by the hiking bus in summer. You can find the bus timetables at wtv-online.de/fahrplaene/nach-linie and schluchtensteig.de/de/prospekte/index.php.



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All stages of the Schluchtensteig Trail

  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Etappe 1 Von Stühlingen nach Blumberg – Schluchtensteig

    18,9 km
    3,3 km/h
    540 m
    290 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    The first stage on the Schluchtensteig starts right at the Swiss border in the tranquil town of Stühlingen. From there, the Schluchtensteig meanders through the ever-narrower valley of the Wutach to Blumberg. The special highlight of the first stage is the Wutachflühen. Flowering is Swabian for rocks

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  2. 06:01
    20,5 km
    3,4 km/h
    400 m
    430 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    The second stage takes you along the entire length directly through the Wutachtal. At the beginning it is still a vast valley landscape, but soon the gorge gets narrower and narrower. The Schluchtensteig leads you right along the bank of the Wutach and you can fully absorb the special atmosphere. The

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  4. 05:25
    18,1 km
    3,3 km/h
    620 m
    250 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    La troisième étape sur le Schluchtensteig vous mène à travers les gorges jusqu'au confluent de Gutach et Haslach. À ce stade, le Wutach émerge des deux rivières calmes. Vous continuez ensuite à travers les gorges non moins spectaculaires de Haslach. Ici, vous pourrez admirer des formations rocheuses

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  5. 06:00
    20,3 km
    3,4 km/h
    450 m
    720 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Excellente maîtrise, chaussures résistantes et expérience alpine exigées.

    Sur la quatrième étape du Schluchtensteig, une petite gorge vous attend avec de larges vues, des forêts préservées, des villages de montagne endormis et le plus grand lac de la Forêt-Noire. De Fischbach, vous montez jusqu'au point de vue sur le Bildstein, puis descendez jusqu'au Schluchsee. Là, il contourne

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  6. 05:25
    18,4 km
    3,4 km/h
    550 m
    530 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    La cinquième étape variée vous réserve à nouveau des panoramas particulièrement beaux. Sur le chemin de St. Blasien via le Hotzenwald à Todtmoos, vous pouvez profiter de vues sur les Alpes suisses à différents endroits. Après avoir enfin traversé la crête de Hotzenwald, elle passe devant la source de

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  7. 06:45
    23,0 km
    3,4 km/h
    450 m
    910 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    The last stage on the Schluchtensteig will spoil you once again with unspoilt bann forests, untouched streams and a fantastic Black Forest gorge. From Todtmoos you follow the Wehra through its narrow valley down to the reservoir near the city of Wehr. Although the Wehra flows steadily downhill, the Schluchtensteig

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    119 km
  • Durée
    35:16 h
  • Élévation
    3 010 m3 130 m

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