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Itinéraires et pistes cyclables

Canyons and countryside – Spain’s Tajuña River gravel

Itinéraires et pistes cyclables

Canyons and countryside – Spain’s Tajuña River gravel


Canyons and countryside – Spain’s Tajuña River gravel

Sortie à vélo - Collection par Alvaro Hernandez



4-5 h

/ jour

231 km

1 880 m

2 620 m

The Tajuña River in Spain is the second longest river in the Tagus river basin, second only to the Tagus. It flows 254 kilometres (158 mi) from the village of Maranchón in Alcarria, near the Camino del Cid, and carves through gorges and limestone canyons. On its way, the river fills the Tajera reservoir, irrigates the fertile plains of Madrid, creates immense green poplar groves and finally flows into the Jarama at Titulcia in Madrid.

The river is a collage of landscapes. In its upper reaches, it winds its way through the orchards and moors of the Castilian steppe. From just before Anguita to Brihuega, the river flows between gorges and deep canyons, camouflaging itself in wide meadows and in the shade of the tall poplars, hazelnut and cherry trees that thrive along its banks. From then on, it becomes the wild and agricultural melting pot of the fertile plains of Madrid. Towards the end of its journey, it heads through the southern Madrid hills and creates wildlife-rich wetlands. Numerous towns are also nestled along its banks such as Cifuentes and Brihuega.

I invite you to ride along the river on gravel tracks for three stages. You’ll discover rich landscapes that feel wild, despite their proximity to civilisation.

The route starts in Maranchón, a town in Guadalajara that’s accessible by bus. It’s run by the Samar transport company and leaves from the station in the south of Madrid. You can check timetables and prices on their website: samar.es. You can transport your bike free of charge. Another option is to take a regional train to Medinaceli and to cycle 30 kilometres (18 mi) from there. You’ll finish your adventure in Titulcia, close to Ciempozuelos, which has a Cercanías train station, from where you can travel back to Madrid.

The route has very little technical or physical difficulty. Although it’s 230 kilometres (143 mi) long, you’ll only cover 1,900 metres (6,200 ft) of ascent. The tracks and roads around the Tajuña are easy to ride, so a gravel bike with reasonable tread is ideal for enjoying this adventure. Remember to check your bike beforehand to avoid any mechanical issues and take a spare inner tube with you.

Each stage ends in a town that has all the services you need to rest and enjoy the local cuisine. This way, you can travel light, just remember to bring sunscreen and a warm layer for the mornings. Along the way, you'll find many villages with fountains to refill your water bottles, and bars for refreshments.

The best seasons to cycle along the river are spring and autumn. Temperatures are more pleasant and the landscapes are more lush. I recommend avoiding rainy days, as the route gets muddy. Summer is very hot, and it can be cold and windy in winter, although the route is still rideable.

I wish you a wonderful adventure along the Tajuña!



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Hoces, cañones y campiñas — Integral gravel del Tajuña (Ruta completa)

228 km

1 840 m

2 590 m

Dernière mise à jour : 31 mai 2024

Planifiez votre propre version de cette aventure dans le planificateur multi-jours en vous basant sur les étapes proposées dans cette Collection.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Etapa 1: De Maranchón a Cifuentes — Integral gravel del Tajuña

    74,3 km
    15,3 km/h
    770 m
    1 130 m
    Sortie gravel - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart pavées. Tous niveaux.

    Pour commencer, une étape équilibrée entre chemins de terre et asphalte vous attend. Ces surfaces sont divisées en moitiés presque égales d'environ 74 kilomètres et près de 800 mètres de dénivelé. Tandis que les chemins de terre vous emmènent à travers les champs de céréales castillans, les routes solitaires

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 05:15
    84,6 km
    16,1 km/h
    710 m
    940 m
    Sortie gravel - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart pavées. Tous niveaux.

    La seconde est la plus longue étape de cette Collection avec environ 85 kilomètres. Cependant, la différence positive dépasse à peine 700 mètres. Une bonne partie de ces mètres sont pour une bonne cause : profiter de la vue depuis Valfermoso de Tajuña, une ville perchée sur l'une des pentes creusées

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  3. Inscrivez-vous pour découvrir des lieux similaires

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  4. 04:16
    72,1 km
    16,9 km/h
    390 m
    550 m
    Sortie Gravel - Intermédiaire. Bonne condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart pavées. Tous niveaux.

    La dernière est l'étape la plus courte et la plus plate de cette aventure à travers la Tajuña. Environ 70 kilomètres vous attendent et à peine 400 mètres de dénivelé positif. Une grande partie du parcours longe la voie verte de Tajuña, qui pénètre dans la vallée fluviale entre des champs de céréales

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    231 km
  • Durée
    14:23 h
  • Élévation
    1 880 m2 620 m

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