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Sentiers de randonnée longue distance

From lively to lonely – hiking the Uplandsteig in North Hesse

Sentiers de randonnée longue distance

From lively to lonely – hiking the Uplandsteig in North Hesse


From lively to lonely – hiking the Uplandsteig in North Hesse

Randonnée - Collection par Anette

3 Tours

18:36 h

65,7 km

1 390 m

The Uplandsteig, a circular hiking trail in North Hesse, Germany, is a wonderful journey for all your senses. Located in the Hessian part of the Sauerland in the heart of Germany, the Upland is easily accessible. You hike over low mountain range landscapes, through spruce, beech and mixed forests, past fields and streams that wind through shaded valleys. Cows graze in the meadows and the high heathlands bloom in colour. The trail leads through valleys, over mountains, and through Upland villages, both small and large. You will be amazed time and time again by the wide views over the surrounding landscapes. Aside from a section around the lively municipality of Willingen, you hike through tiny towns and lonely landscapes where you’ll meet few other hikers.

This circular trail was established in 2005 as a Quality Hiking Trail. Totalling 66 kilometres (41 miles) in length, the route encircles Willingen. You can complete the easy to challenging route comfortably in three stages. You can also complete each stage individually, exploring the wonderful landscape in a day trip. For information about public transport, including timetables, visit (in German): nvv.de. The western and southern part of the route is not so accessible with public transport, so I recommend organising your own transport for these sections.

The Upland region is known for winter sports, biking and hiking and you find nice accommodation everywhere such as hotels, guesthouses, and holiday rentals. Accommodation is especially easy to find in Willingen and Usseln, which both lie on the rail network and federal road. Other Upland villages also offer charming places to stay.

After the first stage, there is overnight accommodation in nearby Usseln, since the Graf Stolberg Hütte inn does not offer lodging. You reach Usseln by hiking about 3 kilometres (1.8 miles) down the charming Diemel Valley. Usseln has plenty of places to stay and restaurant offerings. At the end of stage 2, you can spend the night at a nice holiday farm in Hemminghausen, but make sure you book in advance. You finish the third stage in Willingen, the main town of the Upland, which has great infrastructure for tourists.

Don't forget to take a drink and picnic for the road. There are places to stop for refreshments but they are few and far between and may not be open when you pass by.

Sounds like a great adventure? It is and it's worth it. The wonderful low mountain landscape is spectacular.




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Etappe 1: Von Willingen (Upland) zur Graf Stolberg Hütte – Uplandsteig

    21,6 km
    3,6 km/h
    460 m
    360 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    La randonnée commence près de la Haus des Gastes à Willingen, car il y a généralement suffisamment de places de parking. Cependant, l'itinéraire passe également près de la gare un peu plus tard, de sorte que vous pouvez également voyager confortablement en train ou en bus.


    Votre première impression sera

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 06:18
    22,6 km
    3,6 km/h
    340 m
    580 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    Le Graf Stolberg Hütte n'a pas de connexion publique. Mais vous pouvez remonter le Diemeltal d'Usseln jusqu'au refuge (environ trois kilomètres) ou organiser un service de livraison personnelle si vous avez installé votre camp de base à Willingen. Ça vaut le coup .. Les consignes suivantes s'appliquent

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  3. Inscrivez-vous pour découvrir des lieux similaires

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  4. 06:14
    21,5 km
    3,4 km/h
    590 m
    450 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    Au troisième jour de votre randonnée, un petit défi vous attend à nouveau. Il est en partie raide en montée et en descente et il est préférable de marcher avec vos solides chaussures de randonnée. Prévoyez également suffisamment de boissons et un petit pique-nique pour cette visite, car il n'y a pas

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    65,7 km
  • Durée
    18:36 h
  • Élévation
    1 390 m

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