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Sentiers de randonnée longue distance

Hike wild moors, historic hills and heavenly coast — St Cuthbert’s Way

Sentiers de randonnée longue distance

Hike wild moors, historic hills and heavenly coast — St Cuthbert’s Way

martin_kalfatovic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Hike wild moors, historic hills and heavenly coast — St Cuthbert’s Way

Randonnée - Collection par Dan Hobson



2-8 h

/ jour

109 km

2 100 m

2 180 m

St Cuthbert’s Way is a long-distance hike through the enchanting Anglo-Scottish border country. Exploring breathtaking hilltops, majestic moorlands, atmospheric woodlands, gentle riversides, pastoral farmland, heavenly coastline and countless historic sites, it is one of the most beautiful, varied and enjoyable trails in Britain.

The trail links the vibrant Scottish Borders town of Melrose, where St Cuthbert began his religious life in 650 AD, with Lindisfarne (Holy Island), off the coast of Northumberland. This was his final resting place and the site of his original pilgrimage shrine.

In between, the Way rises over the Eildon Hills, crosses the border in the glorious Cheviot Hills, winds through the northern tip of Northumberland National Park and concludes with an epic tidal crossing via Pilgrim’s Way. The official route is 62 miles (100 km). However, with a few detours to some worthy sites, this Collection totals 68 miles (109 km).

St Cuthbert was born around 635 AD in Northumbria. He devoted his life to religion at the age of 17, when he saw a light descend to Earth and then return to the sky on the night St Aidan died. For the next 13 years, Cuthbert was part of the Melrose monks. Age 30, he moved to Lindisfarne and ran the monastery. He then moved to a remote island, Inner Farne, and built a hermitage. Age 50, he became an active, travelling bishop. Feeling the onset of death, he retired to his hermitage and died on March 20th, 687 AD.

Following his death, many stories of miracles and acts of healing were associated with Cuthbert. He was the pre-eminent English saint for more than 500 years, until being surpassed by Thomas Becket after his martyrdom in 1170. Cuthbert’s remains were later moved to Durham, leading to the foundation of the city and Durham Cathedral.

Whilst the route is classed as a pilgrimage, there is much more to it. Each stage has its own unique character and every hike crosses changing landscapes and myriad places of interest. History from the Bronze Age to the present day is visible throughout. Wildlife thrives in these landscapes, too.

Highlights along the Way include: Melrose Abbey, a beautiful 12th-century ruin; views from the Eildon Hills; Dryburgh Abbey, one of the most complete ruins in the region; Cessford Castle, a 15th-century ruin that was home to a family of robbers; Wideopen Hill, the highest point on St Cuthbert’s Way; Yeavering Bell, the largest Iron Age hillfort in the region; Gains Law, a majestic moorland summit; St Cuthbert’s Cave, which the trail’s namesake once reportedly lived in; Pilgrim's Way, a wonderfully historic path across tidal sands; and Holy Island, home to the magnificent ruins of Lindisfarne Priory and the 16th-century Lindisfarne Castle.

In this Collection, I have split the route into five stages. The first four stages average 15 miles (24 km). The finale is a short 7-mile (11.3 km) hike, as it is dependent on tide times. If the tides are favourable and you have the energy, it is possible to link the last two stages.

As mentioned, the walking is varied throughout. There are some steep climbs to contend with and some remote moorland stretches. However, the hills are not overly technical, paths are clear and there is plenty of gentle lowland walking, too. Whilst a reasonable level of fitness is required, it is a good trail for all-abilities. Of course, sturdy boots, waterproofs and sunscreen in summer are highly recommended. It is also important that you carry enough provisions and navigational aids.

The best time to walk the route is between March and October. The Way is typically uncrowded throughout the year, but July and August are its busiest months. It is possible to walk in any season, though. Although the higher and wilder sections will require more care in winter.

The typical direction to hike St Cuthbert’s Way is east to west, as it mirrors Cuthbert’s life and the Pilgrim’s Way is a memorable ending. That said, there is nothing stopping you from hiking west to east.

You are well-served by accommodation and eateries on most stages. However, as options are limited at the end of stages 2 and 4, I have given you advice.

To get to the start of the trail by public transport, you can catch a train to Tweedbank and then the 67, 68 or 69 bus to Melrose. The nearest train station to the end of the trail is Berwick upon Tweed, which you can reach via the 477 bus. However, services are not abundant from Holy Island.

The end of the trail links up with St Oswald’s Way. To see a Collection on this long-distance walk, click here: komoot.com/collection/1065921.



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St Cuthbert’s Way

104 km

1 890 m

1 970 m

Dernière mise à jour : 3 mai 2024

Planifiez votre propre version de cette aventure dans le planificateur multi-jours en vous basant sur les étapes proposées dans cette Collection.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Stage 1: Melrose to Harestanes — St Cuthbert’s Way

    24,7 km
    3,6 km/h
    430 m
    460 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    L'étape 1 commence dans les ruines captivantes de l'abbaye de Melrose, monte dans les emblématiques Eildon Hills et serpente à travers la campagne parsemée de sites historiques jusqu'à Harestanes.


    Après avoir admiré les ruines du XIIe siècle à Melrose, vous commencez une ascension raide et difficile dans

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 08:02
    28,6 km
    3,6 km/h
    570 m
    530 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    Cette étape difficile serpente à travers un patchwork pittoresque de terres agricoles et de forêts, monte jusqu'au point culminant du chemin St Cuthbert, Wideopen Hill, et se termine dans la maison historique de la royauté gitane écossaise, Yetholm.


    Avec 17,7 miles (28,5 km) et 1 875 pieds (572 m) de

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  3. Inscrivez-vous pour découvrir des lieux similaires

    Obtenez des recommandations sur les meilleurs itinéraires, pics, et lieux d'exception.

  4. 07:51
    25,6 km
    3,3 km/h
    760 m
    780 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Excellente maîtrise, chaussures résistantes et expérience alpine exigées.

    Un paysage plus élevé et plus sauvage vous attend lors de cette randonnée, qui traverse la frontière avec l'Angleterre via d'anciens forts, de hautes collines et de superbes landes de bruyère.


    Avec 2 500 pieds (762 m) de dénivelé positif, cette étape a le plus d'ascensions de l'itinéraire. Couplé avec

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  5. 05:17
    19,2 km
    3,6 km/h
    310 m
    350 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    L'avant-dernière étape serpente vers le nord-est à travers les landes, les terres agricoles et les forêts de pins, faisant un arrêt à St Cuthbert's Cave, un lieu mystique enveloppé de folklore.


    Depuis Wooler, dirigez-vous vers l'est sur les routes et prenez le sentier à gauche dans un virage serré sur

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  6. 02:54
    11,3 km
    3,9 km/h
    30 m
    70 m
    Randonnée - Intermédiaire. Bonne condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers facilement accessibles. Tous niveaux.

    La finale vous emmène sur l'historique Pilgrim's Way, un chemin enchanteur à travers les sables des marées jusqu'à Holy Island.


    Selon les marées et la quantité d'énergie dont vous disposez, il est possible de combiner les étapes 4 et 5 en un seul itinéraire épique. J'ai choisi de les séparer pour assurer

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    109 km
  • Durée
    30:58 h
  • Élévation
    2 100 m2 180 m

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