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Sentiers de vélo de montagne

Discover new paths – e-bike Tours in the Salzkammergut region in Austria

Sentiers de vélo de montagne

Discover new paths – e-bike Tours in the Salzkammergut region in Austria

© Dachstein Salzkammergut – Erwin Haiden

Discover new paths – e-bike Tours in the Salzkammergut region in Austria

VTT - Collection par Bosch eBike Systems

2 Tours

05:22 h

66,0 km

2 660 m

Bicycles are perfect for exploring new paths and unfamiliar areas. You roll silently through beautiful landscapes – just fast enough to make good progress and yet slow enough to enjoy the beauty of nature and all the wonderful little details in peace. A bike holiday is ideal for slow travel. Each day brings a new wonderful mix of enjoyment and adventure.

There’s only one small downer. Despite the freedom that a bicycle gives you, your range of motion is of course somewhat limited. The distance and altitude is bound to tire you out at some point. This means that you often ride the same routes again and again and you probably know them like the back of your hand by now.

This is where an e-bike comes in. It gives you the extra power you need to get off the beaten track. The mighty climb you've never dared before suddenly loses its terror and the extra long Tour is no longer a problem. Thanks to e-bikes, you can leave familiar terrain and discover your surroundings in a whole new way. With this Collection, we want to give you inspiration for new adventures. Forget ‘too long’, ‘too far’ or ‘too steep’ and look forward to great bike Tours that you hardly dared to dream of!

With this Collection, we ‘kidnap’ you to the Salzkammergut in Austria. A network of around 800 kilometres (497 mi) of beautiful trails and paths awaits you here. There are 200 kilometres (124 mi) of cleared forest roads so you can easily reach remote places on your e-bike. Far away from the hustle and bustle and surrounded by alpine pastures, lakes, forests and rustic huts, you experience the Salzkammergut region from a new perspective.

The two Tours in this Collection are typical for this region – they combine unforgettable riding with beautiful mountain views and culinary delights. The Iglmoosalm hut is a first-class stop on your bike trip and you can also indulge in regional delicacies on the Hallstätter Drei-Almen-Tour (Hallstätter Three Mountain Pastures Tour). After your ride, enjoy the unique flair and backdrop of gigantic mountains on the shores of Lake Hallstatt, completing a perfect day on your e-mountain bike.




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Iglmoos Runde – auf neuen Wegen im Salzkammergut

    14,5 km
    12,8 km/h
    480 m
    480 m
    Sortie à VTTAE - Facile. Tous niveaux de condition physique. Pour tous les niveaux.

    Gosau est une véritable perle du Salzkammergut. L'endroit est situé dans la vaste vallée du même nom au pied du Dachstein et est encastré dans les imposantes montagnes tout autour. Et c'est exactement ce que vous découvrirez lors de cette courte mais très intéressante randonnée en VTT jusqu'à l'Iglmoosalm

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 04:14
    51,5 km
    12,2 km/h
    2 180 m
    2 180 m
    Sortie à VTTAE - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Nécessite un excellent niveau de pilotage. Certaines portions du Tour peuvent exiger que vous poussiez votre vélo.

    Cette visite vous offre de nombreuses options et peut être aussi bonne qu'une visite gastronomique gastronomique ou qu'une excursion d'une journée d'une beauté fantastique avec de merveilleuses expériences dans la nature. Parce que vous décidez si vous n'allez qu'à l'un des alpages ou si vous en incluez

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    66,0 km
  • Durée
    05:22 h
  • Élévation
    2 660 m

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