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Itinéraires et pistes cyclables

Cycling in Flanders – Iconic Cultural Cycle Routes

Itinéraires et pistes cyclables

Cycling in Flanders – Iconic Cultural Cycle Routes

© Visit Brussels | Eric Danhier

Cycling in Flanders – Iconic Cultural Cycle Routes

Sortie à vélo - Collection par VISITFLANDERS

In ancient Greece, they believed in having a ‘mens sana in corpore sano’ – a healthy mind in a healthy body. On these tours, we’ve packed in (almost) all of Flanders’ culture. These routes are as iconic as the places they visit on the way. So, of course, we had to call them the Iconic Cultural Cycle Routes.

The Art Cities Tour takes you across Flanders in six days. You'll discover the most beautiful and impressive cities: Brussels, Leuven, Mechelen, Antwerp, Ghent, Bruges, and finally Ostend. You’ll find plenty of food for thought and photo opportunities on this trip. You can fill your heart and soul with all forms of art and warm hospitality.

Tour number two – the ‘Front Route 14-18’ – is dedicated to a sad topic, but one we must never forget: the horrors of war. Along the former front of the First World War – Flanders Fields – you encounter the large and small remnants left behind from 1914-18. It may be difficult and painful, but it’s worth visiting.



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