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Gravel bikepacking from Hamburg to Munich


Gravel bikepacking from Hamburg to Munich

Marius Quast | Bike, Ski & Abenteuer

Gravel bikepacking from Hamburg to Munich

Sortie à vélo - Collection par Marius Quast | Bike, Ski & Abenteuer

7 Tours

66:53 h

879 km

6 860 m

🏕️ Our goal was set – cross a large part of Germany, covering 875 kilometres (543 miles) in seven days, sleeping under open skies only and carrying all our luggage on the gravel bike. In other words – we want to bikepack from Hamburg to Munich. 🌲 Will it work? We'll see. Let the adventure begin!

By the way: There is also a YouTube video for this komoot collection. Watch it to experience the individual daily stages up close – it's worth it!

We, Marius Quast and Bastian Brutzer, didn’t find it easy to plan our trip. The changeable weather in April was just as unpredictable as the ever-changing corona regulations in federal states. We had to find a middle ground between equipment, route and sleeping places to be able to dare to take on the trip at all.

With the rough plan in hand, we set about fine-tuning the daily stages with komoot, focusing on the variety between beautiful cities and national parks. We included a few mountains, such as the Brocken, the highest mountain in northern Germany. After all, as we all know, altitude metres are fun. At the start, we planned to stick more to gravel roads and trails. Towards the end – when fitness reserves are more essential – we planned to more on asphalt.

Since camping is not legally permitted in Germany, we contacted private individuals who make their homes available online for camping via various websites. This way, we would be on the safe side and avoid foresters knocking on our tarp at night, waking us up and telling us to leave. In the worst case, we’d even have to pay a fine.

All in all, this Germany Cross is a journey through different regions, different architectures, exciting cultural changes and hilly as well as flat landscapes. An impression of Germany that we have never experienced before. On the seven daily stages, we learned a lot about ourselves, our home country and its people and regions. Find out what else happened on the seven stages in this Collection.



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Gravel Bikepacking von Hamburg bis München

868 km

6 820 m

6 270 m

Dernière mise à jour : 7 mai 2024


  1. Étape 1 : De Hambourg à travers la lande de Lunebourg

    76,1 km
    13,5 km/h
    350 m
    280 m

    Le cœur bat plus vite, l'excitation augmente. 🖤 Le jour du départ est enfin arrivé. Nous avons une vue directe sur l'Elb-Philharmonie à Hambourg et regardons les navires naviguer. Les vélos de gravier sont entièrement emballés avec tout ce dont nous avons besoin pour les sept prochains jours sur notre

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  2. 10:36
    166 km
    15,7 km/h
    530 m
    360 m

    Quelle matinée frustrante ! 😤 Nous démontons notre camp pour la première fois, ce qui prend plus de temps que prévu. Lorsque nous avons terminé, nous voulions vraiment aller à la boulangerie et nous offrir un café chaud. Mais ensuite, le pneu est à nouveau à plat. La seule bonne solution est que nous

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  4. 12:00
    126 km
    10,5 km/h
    2 080 m
    2 100 m

    Altitude meters and heavy thighs are the order of the day! 🦵 Now we start the first mountain stage in the early morning: The highest mountain in Northern Germany, the Brocken, is waiting for us. But we are ready! Because after a delicious breakfast at the local supermarket, loaded navigation devices

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  5. From the cozy barn to the wonderful garden! 🧑‍🌾 Our route today leads us into the Rhön. We still have to leave a big mountain stage behind us. Compared to the Brocken, where the mountain was right at the start of the day, the Wasserkuppe is at the end of today's route.


    At the start of the day a delicious

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  6. 08:53
    97,2 km
    10,9 km/h
    830 m
    1 100 m

    Nuit fantastique, matin printanier et montée difficile. ⛰️ C'est le cinquième jour de notre voyage et nos jambes deviennent lourdes. Nous remarquons cela sur les premiers mètres de la journée de Bischofsheim sur le Kreuzberg jusqu'à Schmalwasser. Situé sur Kreuzberg, c'est le plus long sentier d'écoulement

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  7. The quiet and not too cold night in Würzburg was good. 🌃 We get on our bikes and ride the first few kilometers along the Main. It's really good to spend the first few kilometers on a river bike path after such exhausting days. This makes it much easier to pedal.


    As far as Ochsenfurt we go along the Main

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  8. 09:46
    146 km
    15,0 km/h
    890 m
    760 m

    Home run is hot! 🏡 We already knew that this last stage would be tough. We have been sitting on the saddle for six days and over 80 hours, our legs are tired and there is no longer any real euphoria. We just want to go home. And then these 140 kilometers, which are on the plan again today, are really

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    879 km
  • Durée
    66:53 h
  • Élévation
    6 860 m

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