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Cotacol hunting


Cotacol hunting


Cotacol hunting

Collection par DirtyDropbars

1 Tour

13:39 h

247 km

5 550 m

The COTACOL is a belgian reference book about cycling uphill, made by Daniel Gobert and Jean-Pierre Legros in 1989. In it are descriptions of the thousand toughest climbs for cyclists.Each climb is described by several facts: name, a short description, height, grade, length, what state the road surface is in, average climbing time for an amateur or a professional road cyclist.The combined authors measured 1.869.800 km, rode up a height of 112.396 meters and measured nearly 30.000 data points to compose this book. Each hill has a so-called COTACOL score. This score is determined using several parameters: grade, length, road surface. A higher score means a tougher climb.More than 30 years later, some cycling & tech enthousiasts virtually got together and built apps, web sites and integrated with Strava, so that the modern cyclist can now plan rides to conquer as much Cotacols as possible and automatically flag them when integrating with Strava.




  1. Cotacol hunting Namur

    247 km
    18,1 km/h
    5 550 m
    5 550 m

    Nils a réussi à faire 40 Cotacols en un seul tour. Il s'est terminé par 247km et 6000 mètres de dénivelé. Ce trajet a la troisième place pour la plupart des points Cotacol en un trajet.

    Namur est un si bel environnement pour passer une longue journée en selle.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    247 km
  • Durée
    13:39 h
  • Élévation
    5 550 m

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