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4 Day Hike Switzerland: Magnificant Alpine Views


4 Day Hike Switzerland: Magnificant Alpine Views

Mieke | Dichter bij de grond

4 Day Hike Switzerland: Magnificant Alpine Views

Collection par Mieke | Dichter bij de grond

1 Tour

21:53 h

56,2 km

2 960 m

BIG mountains, scree slopes and glaciers all around! We hiked this trail in early November in 4 days. Since November is off-season everything was closed, including restaurants and small mountain villages. It was cold but gave us a great opportunity to bivouac in this otherwise busy tourist area. We slept in a church porch, in a field and on a mountain. Snow started to fall on our last day, covering mountain passes.This tour is ideal for a short hiking trip. We booked well in advance so we could get a €40 Europe Special ticket from the Deutsche Bahn. The route starts at the train station in Engelberg and crosses Meiringen and Grosse Scheidegg before ending at Grindelwald train station. Part of the route follows the Via Alpina long distance hiking trail.Link to story and photo's (in Dutch): dichterbijdegrond.nl/2019/11/10/wandelen-in-zwitserland-via-alpina-engelberg-grindelwald




  1. 4 Day Engelberg-Meiringen-Grosse Scheidegg-Grindelwald

    56,2 km
    2,6 km/h
    2 960 m
    2 930 m

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    56,2 km
  • Durée
    21:53 h
  • Élévation
    2 960 m

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