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Routes de pèlerinage

Between spiritual and earthly – Full Moon Trail (GR 33) in Spain

Routes de pèlerinage

Between spiritual and earthly – Full Moon Trail (GR 33) in Spain


Between spiritual and earthly – Full Moon Trail (GR 33) in Spain

Randonnée - Collection par Amalia Santiago



9-9 h

/ jour

57,8 km

2 540 m

1 280 m

The Full Moon Trail (or ‘Sender de la Lluna Plena’ in Valencian) guides you through the incredible interior of Castellón and explores its incredible nature, culture, archaeology, and architectural heritage. The trail runs through the impressive natural park of Peñagolosa, whose mountains are considered sacred by many religious Valencians.

The landscape consists of steep hills and deep ravines as you walk through areas of scrubland, pine forests, and oak groves. You pass by farmhouses, springs, archaeological sites, hermitages, and castles, as well as the towns of Useras (where the first stage ends) and Chodos. After almost 60 kilometres (37 mi), the Tour reaches its end at the sanctuary of San Juan de Peñagolosa. On the last Friday of April, 12 pilgrims and a guide set out from Useras to ascend to the sanctuary in complete silence. They travel the same trail that you will follow.

The GR 33 connects the coast and the interior of the province of Castellón. The route links Castellón de la Plana with the sanctuary of San Juan de Peñagolosa, at 1,292 metres (4,239 ft).

I’ve divided this Collection into two challenging stages, between which you can enjoy a well-deserved rest in Useras, where there’s accommodation and dining. In total, it covers about 58 kilometres (36 mi) and hasapproximately 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) of elevation gain. For this reason, I only recommend this adventure to experienced hikers with good fitness and endurance.

The Tour starts near the General Hospital of Castellón de la Plana. To reach this city, you can travel by car, bus, train, or plane. It’s well-connected by public transportation. Once you reach the end point of the Tour, it’s best to have a support car that can take you back to Castellón de la Plana after the demanding hike.

Due to the distance and elevation gain of the two stages, the best time to do this adventure is the end of spring or the beginning of autumn. This way, you have more daylight hours and don't have to contend with the suffocating heat of summer. Although there are some water sources along the trail, remember to carry plenty of water and enough food to keep you sustained. Also, bring a flashlight and comfortable hiking shoes. I know several people who, upon reaching the end of the first stage, had their feet covered in blisters, so I recommend choosing footwear that you are already accustomed to walking in.

Now there’s just one thing left to add: have fun and give it your all!



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Sendero de la Luna Llena (GR 33) — Ruta completa

57,7 km

2 530 m

1 280 m

Dernière mise à jour : 8 mai 2024

Planifiez votre propre version de cette aventure dans le planificateur multi-jours en vous basant sur les étapes proposées dans cette Collection.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    Étape 1 : De Castellón à Useras — Sentier de la Pleine Lune (GR 33)

    31,6 km
    3,3 km/h
    1 040 m
    680 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    Le "Chemin de la Pleine Lune" ne s'appelle pas ainsi pour rien. Ils lui ont donné ce nom car il faut le démarrer à l'aube pour pouvoir effectuer tout son parcours en une seule journée et profiter de la lumière du jour. Alors prenez bonne note et assurez-vous de vous lever très tôt pour pouvoir boucler

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine


  2. 09:50
    26,1 km
    2,7 km/h
    1 500 m
    600 m
    Randonnée - Expert . Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Sentiers accessibles pour la plupart. Restez vigilant.

    J'espère que vous vous êtes bien reposé après la longue marche de la veille car la deuxième étape du GR 33 est également assez forte. Levez-vous très tôt et quittez Useras vers le point final de cet itinéraire.


    Les deux lieux les plus importants par lesquels passe ce parcours de 26 kilomètres sont le

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine



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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    57,8 km
  • Durée
    19:31 h
  • Élévation
    2 540 m1 280 m

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