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Schluchten und Canyons im Münchener Umland


Schluchten und Canyons im Münchener Umland

Pi Leo

Schluchten und Canyons im Münchener Umland

Collection par Pi Leo

14 Tours

40:59 h

592 km

8 250 m

Entweder nur gequert, aber auch durchfahren gibt es südlich von München viele schöne Taleinschnitte, die man schon als Canyons oder Schluchten bezeichnen kann.Ohne Aufzeichnung in den 90igern:
- Partnachklamm (zu Fuß) Garmisch-Partenkirchen
- Höllentalklamm (zu Fuß) Hammersbach
- Finzbach (MTB) Wallgau - Esterberg
- Gachentodklamm (MTB) Eschenlohe - Walchensee
Touren mit Aufzeichnung:
Isartal - Großhesseloher Brücke - Schäftlarn
Isartal : Geretsried - Rothmühle
Gleißental - Deining - Deisenhofen
Mühltaler Leite : Leutstetten - Reismühle
Maisinger Schlucht : Starnberg - Maising
Pähler Schlucht : Olympiastraße (B2) bei Pähl
Waldschmidtschlucht : Tutzing
Mangfall : Weyarn - Feldkirchen Westerham
Mangfall : Weyarn - Miesbach
Kupferbachtal : Percha - Unterlaus
Höllgraben : Allmannshausen - Starnberger See
Loisach, Isar : Dorfen - Icking - Wolfratshausen
Rottach, Weiße Valepp : Tegernsee - Valepp
Rote Valepp : Valepp - Spitzingsee
Bockerlbahntrail : Spitzingsee - Neuhaus
Halbammer - Halblech : Altenau bis Halblech
Ammer : Scheibum Saulgrub
Schronbach : Quellgebiet - Isardeich am Sylvensteinspeicher
Walchen : B307
Titelbild: Wasserfall in der Pähler Schlucht




  1. München (Trail-Rundtour: Isar, Ludwigshöhe, Gleißental)

    42,2 km
    25,3 km/h
    540 m
    550 m

    At first skeptical whether today's trail tour is worthwhile after the heavy rain of the last few days. A tour on mostly muddy and soggy paths, I didn't feel like it.


    Therefore it was first on the high bank paths to Grünwald, on over the Römerschanze, past Straßlach, to the golf course near Hailafing

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  2. Always a pleasure, but only if the weather is dry but not necessarily nice, because otherwise there are too many trail-loving bikers on the well-known Isar trails. But then I drove on the high bank trails east and west of the Isar.

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  4. 03:09
    39,1 km
    12,4 km/h
    460 m
    480 m

    The rainy last days can of course not stop you from going on a tour that is peppered with Isartrails.


    The starting point was Geretsried. In a northern arch it went over to the Isar. The well-known Isar cycle path east along Geretsried is surprisingly dry, so I wanted to ride the Isar trails between the

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  5. 02:31
    29,8 km
    11,9 km/h
    610 m
    610 m

    Since the fog has been stubbornly messing around Neufahrn for the whole week and just doesn't want to go away, yesterday (Saturday) I looked at Wetter-Online to see where the sun is coming through. Starnberg! was then the goal for Sunday. According to the forecast sun in the morning, sun in the afternoon

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  6. 03:16
    53,0 km
    16,2 km/h
    650 m
    640 m

    Continuation of the round of May 23, 2020, which I had canceled due to hail and heavy rain.


    In some changes to the route to my first trip over 10 years ago, some of the critical points have changed. All four gorges are now known to a larger audience and are also mentioned in hiking guides, local tourist

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  7. 01:51
    18,2 km
    9,8 km/h
    330 m
    320 m

    Après que mon Kona n'est pas encore en forme - les pièces de rechange nécessaires sont encore longues à venir - j'ai sorti sans ménagement ma voiture d'hiver de 18 kg.


    Il ne devrait pas y avoir trop de mètres de dénivelé, mais tout de même parsemé de descentes de sentiers qui sont amusantes et sont probablement

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  8. 02:47
    34,3 km
    12,4 km/h
    350 m
    350 m

    Start and end of the round is the Park & Ride car park directly at the motorway exit Weyarn. First we pass the Bikemanufaktur "M1 sports technology" and the climbing and bouldering center "Kletter Z" before it goes directly under the highway route in 60m height on the other side of the valley Mangfall

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  9. 02:35
    38,8 km
    15,0 km/h
    610 m
    590 m

    At the end of the day off, another nice round with trails and a single trail under the studded tires. There are a variety of trails between Weyarn (north), Mangfall (west), Leitzach (east) and Miesbach (south). If you combine the technically demanding sections well, a nice MTB-heavy lap comes together

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  10. 02:26
    56,1 km
    23,0 km/h
    680 m
    690 m

    Tour de l'après-midi avec du soleil et beaucoup de vent, qui souffle initialement de côté et de devant. Derrière Moosach le paysage devient plus ouvert et il monte et descend. Dans de nombreux endroits, vous pouvez vous émerveiller devant l'ensemble du panorama alpin et ceux qui connaissent bien ont

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  11. The Park & Ride car park at AS Münsing / Wolfratshausen is a great starting point for mountain bike and racing bike laps.


    Started today with the best weather and first on forest paths towards Münsing and on the forest path along the Lüßbach to the inconspicuous weir (looks more like a wall). Here was

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  12. 03:46
    48,1 km
    12,8 km/h
    1 020 m
    1 010 m

    Mon 1er tour cette année dans les Alpes entre Tegernsee et Schliersee. Vendredi supplémentaire pour éviter les embouteillages à Tegernsee le week-end. Cela n'a tout simplement pas aidé, mais tout était toujours surpeuplé.


    Le temps était bon. Soleil et chaleur agréable. Que pourriez-vous demander de plus

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  13. The tour section from the start (sports park parking lot of Altenau) in the east to Halblech in the west of the northern Ammergebirge is moderately on forest roads to drive. It always goes slightly uphill to the Bayerbach Crossing. From the Isar / Lech watershed it then goes on Halblech to the place

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  14. The first MTB ride into the mountains this year. The weather forecast on Sunday promised Lengries a sunny and rain-free day on Monday.


    Starting at the shady Hirschbachstüberl parking lot - first briefly on the Toni Seber bike path (graveled here) over the Breton Bridge, the Isar hiking trail and along

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  15. 04:36
    62,9 km
    13,7 km/h
    460 m
    460 m

    The entire tour is a mixture of road bike passages (beautiful smooth asphalt) and MTB trails (single trails and dirt roads with many stops for a break). From the Gleißenbachtal over Deininger pond, Thanninger lakes, Ascholding and at the end in Neufahrn you are in the so-called "legacy of the last ice

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    592 km
  • Durée
    40:59 h
  • Élévation
    8 250 m

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