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Ostseeradweg 🌊 Flensburg - Lübeck 2020


Ostseeradweg 🌊 Flensburg - Lübeck 2020

Ostseeradweg 🌊 Flensburg - Lübeck 2020

Collection par Caesar 🚴‍♂️

6 Tours

22:46 h

378 km

1 940 m

Der Ostseeradweg von Flensburg nach Lübeck erstreckt sich über eine Strecke von etwa 200 Kilometern entlang der Ostseeküste in Schleswig-Holstein. Die Route beginnt in Flensburg im Norden und führt entlang der Küste über Orte wie Glücksburg, Eckernförde, Kiel, Laboe, Heiligenhafen und Timmendorfer Strand, bevor sie schließlich in Lübeck endet.Der Ostseeradweg ist gut ausgeschildert und größtenteils asphaltiert, was ihn zu einer angenehmen und einfachen Route für Radfahrer aller Schwierigkeitsgrade macht.




  1. Etappe 1: Von Flensburg nach Kappeln – Ostseeküstenradweg

    58,7 km
    17,5 km/h
    440 m
    450 m

    The first stage of the Baltic coast path from Flensburg to Kappeln. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate at all. Drizzle and hazy view. 🌧️😟 And then the constant gradients. A real challenge, you're constantly shifting. Sometimes the incline was so steep that only pushing helped. I didn't take

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  2. Today the weather god was on my side and we are big friends again.

    This time no more big differences in altitude and partly tail wind, perfect.

    From Kappeln the tour leads through some small towns with beautiful thatched roof houses. Then it goes directly to the Baltic Sea. Small, deserted sections of

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  4. Premièrement, les choses se passent différemment, deuxièmement, que vous ne le pensez. Mais depuis le début. Météo ☀️, non 🌬️ Les 30 premiers km n'ont pas été formidables. Toujours sur la route de campagne et la mer est à peine visible. Ensuite, je me suis écarté de l'itinéraire prévu et j'ai voulu

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  5. Wow! 🤩🥰😎 What a beautiful route. You are now the most beautiful stage of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route. Right from the start, the bike path goes along the sea with a beautiful beach. The section is rightly called Brazil. A very varied route, with fantastic panoramic views again and again. You automatically

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  6. The 5th stage was also a nice, varied route. The view of the Baltic Sea just before Heiligenhafen is unforgettable. First, rap fields, lush green meadows with individual trees and then the blue sea with small white clouds in the light blue sky. As if it were a painting. Just beautiful! 🥰 No photo can

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  7. This is my sixth and last stage of the Baltic Sea Cycle Route. The tour goes from Dahme via Grömitz to Timmendorfer Strand and on to the destination in Lübeck. The route often goes directly along the Baltic Sea, so again the opportunity to fill up your lungs with sea air. 😎

    I downloaded the entire route

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    378 km
  • Durée
    22:46 h
  • Élévation
    1 940 m

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