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Schwäbischer Wald - Wanderungen


Schwäbischer Wald - Wanderungen

Schwäbischer Wald - Wanderungen

Collection par Sigrid

18 Tours

42:47 h

206 km

4 080 m

Die abwechslungsreiche und bunte Landschaft des Schwäbischen Waldes liegt im Nord-Osten Baden-Württembergs. Die Geologie hat diesem heute von der Ursprünglichkeit der Land- und Waldwirtschaft geprägten Landstrich eine besondere naturräumliche Vielfalt beschert. In dichtem Wechsel erlebt man tiefe Klingen, liebliche Streuobstwiesen, verträumte Seen, stille Wälder und sonnenverwöhnte Weinberge.




  1. Mühlenwanderung - Hüttenbühlsee - Häkeles- und Brunnenklinge/Schwäbischer Wald

    13,4 km
    4,8 km/h
    100 m
    80 m
  2. I also really liked this hike, it is quite varied, you can see a lot and you come through nice villages. Incidentally, I also have Komoot 😉

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  4. 01:55
    9,67 km
    5,1 km/h
    220 m
    200 m

    Always nice again, the Christmas tree market in Prevorst, which can be combined with its beautiful location, wonderful in a hike through the forest.

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  5. Thanks a lot! Yes, ideal photography weather, but e.g. T. also very mushy because of the mild temperatures.

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  6. In the Swabian-Franconian Forest near Sulzbach, this tour begins on a hiking car park, which can be reached via a small side street. At the beginning, the wide path is paved and leads, along with wild garlic, along the Fischbach. During the entire tour you walk in the forest on good paths, pass Mittelfischbach

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  7. Coming from the direction of Murrhardt, there are some parking spaces at the beginning of the Hörschbach Gorge. Right at the start of the tour is the lower waterfall, over which a bridge leads, but which is currently closed. You should have good footwear and sure-footedness when hiking along the Hörschbach

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  8. Sur les traces des fées, la randonnée passe par l'ancien parc des expositions jusqu'au Römersee. Peu de temps après, vous atteignez la mer de rochers, un paysage recouvert d'énormes rochers et qui monte régulièrement.

    Nous continuons jusqu'à la tour Riesberg, qui est équipée d'une aire de repos et d'un

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  9. 02:43
    13,6 km
    5,0 km/h
    360 m
    360 m

    Those who love lonely hiking and the peace in nature are in good hands in the Welzheimer Wald. A few steps from the village, you find yourself in a hilly landscape amidst numerous orchards that are undergoing revitalization measures. The cut should prevent the old trees from breaking apart, but tree

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  10. Maienfels Castle was built between 1230 and 1250. When the gate is open, you can visit the courtyard at your own risk. The buildings are not because they are inhabited. Guided tours can take place by arrangement,

    Sundays and public holidays are closed.

    At kilometer 5, when you meet the Brettach river

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  11. Thank you! Unfortunately, the path along the Wieslaufschlucht was very muddy and slippery, so it's better to do it in a drier season

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  12. The tour starts at the Buchenbach hiking car park. The first kilometers are through the forest on good paths to the origin of the beech brook. There are nice seats there that are relatively new. The Buchenbach origin itself is pretty unspectacular. Again and again there are beautiful views of blooming

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    206 km
  • Durée
    42:47 h
  • Élévation
    4 080 m

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