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Just few km in those hilly area


Just few km in those hilly area


Just few km in those hilly area

Collection par Tom BOEGLER

4 Tours

50:59 h

1 063 km

10 310 m

Embark on an exhilarating biking adventure through the heart of Europe with our exclusive tours tailored to your preferences. Choose between our thrilling 3-day excursion to conquer the highest points of the Benelux region or our immersive 4-day journey that crosses the borders of Belgium and explores its neighboring countries.For the adrenaline seekers, our 3-day tour traverses the picturesque landscapes of the Benelux, scaling the highest peaks including the iconic Vaalserberg in the Netherlands, the Signal de Botrange in Belgium, and the Kneiff in Luxembourg. Marvel at stunning vistas, conquer challenging terrain, and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the region.Alternatively, our 4-day adventure takes you on a cross-border exploration of Belgium and its neighboring countries. Pedal through charming Belgian towns, cross into the Netherlands, and venture into the scenic landscapes of Luxembourg and Germany. Experience diverse cultures, taste local cuisines, and discover the rich history of each region you visit.Whether you're drawn to conquering mountain peaks or exploring cross-border landscapes, our biking tours promise an unforgettable experience filled with excitement, beauty, and adventure. Join us for the ride of a lifetime!




  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap contributeurs

    De Ronde von Benelux - Day 1 Prequel - From La Capital to Fake Spanish Children

    86,1 km
    22,6 km/h
    350 m
    390 m
    Cyclisme sur route - Intermédiaire. Bonne condition physique nécessaire. Surfaces pour la plupart correctement pavées, faciles à emprunter.
  2. 20:40
    421 km
    20,4 km/h
    4 400 m
    4 330 m
    Vélo de route - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Certaines portions du Tour peuvent être non goudronnées et difficiles d'accès.
  3. Inscrivez-vous pour découvrir des lieux similaires

    Obtenez des recommandations sur les meilleurs itinéraires, pics, et lieux d'exception.

  4. 18:12
    395 km
    21,7 km/h
    3 330 m
    3 780 m
    Vélo de route - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Certaines portions du Tour peuvent être non goudronnées et difficiles d'accès.
  5. 08:18
    161 km
    19,5 km/h
    2 220 m
    2 050 m
    Vélo de route - Expert. Excellente condition physique nécessaire. Certaines portions du Tour peuvent être non goudronnées et difficiles d'accès.

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    1 063 km
  • Durée
    50:59 h
  • Élévation
    10 310 m

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