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Schöner Weg am Windebyer Noor

Schöner Weg am Windebyer Noor

Sortie à vélo - Incontournable (Segment)

Recommandé par 457 sur 470 cyclistes

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Position:Eckernförde, Rendsburg-Eckernförde, Schleswig-Holstein, Allemagne

Les meilleurs itinéraires cyclables avec le segment ‘Schöner Weg am Windebyer Noor’
  • The lake was formerly connected directly as the end of Eckernförde Bay with the Baltic Sea. The hollow shape of Windebyer Noores emerged as a glacial tongue basin during the Weichsel icing. During this time, the Weichselian glacial Baltic Sea glacier in Schleswig-Holstein divided into a "Holsteiner Lobus" and a "Eckernförder Lobus".The "Eckernförder Lobus" in turn divided into today's Eckernförder area, taking advantage of a (according to some geologists already before the Ice Age) depth line of Eckernförde Bay in a northern ("Windebyer Noor tongue") and a southern ("Wittensee-Goossee- Tongue ") Partis tongue.The Windebyer-Noor tongue formed u. a. the Hüttener mountains, the Wittensee-Goossee-tongue the Duvenstedter mountains. An indication of the glacial origin is a large boulder in Windebyer Noor, the "White Stone". Sand deposits formed after the Ice Age over time, a beach wall system (spit), which closed the Noor gradually from Eckernförde Bay. The final separation took place only in 1929 by artificial landfills. Today, the Windebyer Noor is only connected underground with the Baltic Sea. Meanwhile, there are plans of the city of Eckernförde for the restoration of an open connection, to the realization of which first steps have already been taken.Archaeological finds suggest a settlement around the Windebyer Noor in the Iron Age. These include mussel shells and kitchen waste, which were found in several places during the construction of the Eckernförder bypass in 1951 and could be attributed to pollen analysis of the Iron Age, including the findings of the two bog bodies of Windeby. In 1995, two "fossil islands" were discovered in the Windebyer Noor by means of a sediment echo sounder - possibly these are lost settlements, since the water level of the Baltic Sea and thus of the Windebyer Noor was at that time a few meters below today.In the late Iron Age and Viking times, the Danube's Easter Wall ran as far as Windebyer Noor, which at that time was not yet cut off from Eckernförde Bay. Possibly was located at the end of the Easter Wall on the west bank of the Noor a Viking-age port [2], [3].Until the 1970s, there was a bathhouse at the barracks Carlshöhe in Windebyer Noor.wikipedia.org

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 21 mai 2017

  • Belle piste cyclable avec une belle avenue de peupliers.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 15 avril 2018

  • Dans le jeu des lumières du soleil, le Noor est différent chaque jour et toujours invitant avec la vue magnifique sur l'eau.
    Le Windebyer Noor se trouve à seulement 10 minutes à pied du centre-ville d'Eckernförde. La longueur du rivage d'environ 10 km est idéale pour la randonnée, la marche et le vélo.
    eckernfoerde-panorama.de Umgebung-von-eckernfoerde

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 16 septembre 2020

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Position:Eckernförde, Rendsburg-Eckernförde, Schleswig-Holstein, Allemagne


  • Distance3,10 km
  • Montée30 m
  • Descente30 m
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