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Schlosskirche Wittenberg

Schlosskirche Wittenberg

Sortie à vélo - Incontournable

Recommandé par 976 sur 1006 cyclistes

Cet Incontournable se situe dans une zone protégée

Consultez les réglementations locales : Naturpark Fläming/Sachsen-Anhalt

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Position:Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Saxe-Anhalt, Allemagne

Meilleurs itinéraires à vélo avec l'Incontournable ‘Schlosskirche Wittenberg’
  • L'église fut construite entre 1490 et 1515 et forme depuis une aile du château. La tour de 88 mètres de haut avec son dôme néo-gothique de 1885/1892 se voit de loin. L'église est devenue célèbre lorsque Luther a publié ses 95 thèses le 31 octobre 1517.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 7 juin 2017

  • Luther a posté ses thèses ici

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 26 janvier 2017

  • Visible from afar, the cylindrical, 88-meter-high castle church tower rises from the silhouette of Lutherstadt Wittenberg and marks the western end of the old town. Approaching the church, one recognizes a delicately decorated neo-gothic tower dome (1885/92), under which there is a banner decorated with mosaic stones, on which the words of Martin Luther's hymn are written in meter-size letters. "A stronghold is our God, a good Weir and weapons ". The church became famous when, on October 31, 1517, the until then almost unknown Wittenberg Augustinian monk and theology professor Martin Luther disseminated his 95 Latin disputation theses, which are regarded as triggers of the Reformation.From 1490 to 1515 Frederick the Wise rebuilt the entire castle. Since then, the castle church has formed the north wing of the east-facing three-wing complex. It was consecrated on January 17, 1503. Frederick the Wise laid in her an extensive collection of relics, the pilgrims attracted from far away, and equipped them accordingly consuming.After the founding of the Wittenberg University of Leucorea in 1502, the castle church was donated to her in 1507 as a university church, and the church developed into an academic sanctuary. Here, the students received their doctorates, here Philip Melanchthon made his famous inaugural address, prayers were performed in the church, and the academic dignitaries of the university were buried here. Some of these dignitaries are still visible on the walls in their epitaphs.The main portal, then made of wood, was used by the university members for pinning information. Martin Luther, conventual of the Augustinian monastery and professor of theology, is said to have posted his 95 theses here on October 31, 1517, the eve of the patronage day of the castle church, in order to call for a disputation on the sale of indulgences. That was the trigger of the Reformation. Whether the theses attack actually took place in this form is controversial. It is proved that Luther sent the theses on that day to two bishops by hand and then to other theologians.Source:

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 18 septembre 2017

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Position:Anhalt-Dessau-Wittenberg, Saxe-Anhalt, Allemagne

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