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Matthäuskirche Kempten

Matthäuskirche Kempten

Randonnée - Incontournable

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Position:Allgäu, Souabe, Bavière, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Matthäuskirche Kempten’
  • Hochbrunnenweg 2, open
    Year of construction 1968
    The publican Matthäus heeds the call of Christ and was included in the circle of the Twelve Apostles. This appeal and the fact that there was already a daughter church of the St. Mang Church in the southwest of Kempten, which bears the name of John, the St. Matthew's Church owes its name. In 1965, the members of the congregation decided in a community meeting in the Lindenberg School. The certificate from the Landeskirchenamt of March 22, 1966 confirms the parish as the 4th independent parish. 2400 church members are registered with Matthew - and yet there is no real tribal community. Rather, the parish on the Hochbrunnenweg with the simple striking cross on the church tower is responsible for bringing projects and ideas into the dean's office with initial firing. So Matthew was one of the first parishes in Bavaria, the family worship services have offered.The church was planned by Professor Hoffmann, a native of Kempten. First, the rectory and the parish hall were created, in which the services were already held. Kindergarten and church followed. The latter shows inside an open structure of perforated bricks, which equally creates a feeling of tension and regularity. But also a certain gloom. The altar cross is a work of the jewelery designer and draftsman Hermann Jünger. Unfortunately, the Matthew Center did not necessarily prove to be a quality construction. Affected by water damage, the church had to be rehabilitated very early - and got a wood paneling. In addition, the community hall was renovated and the sanitary facilities improved in the late 80s. In the 90s, the roof had to be renewed, in 2003 followed rehabilitation moderately the parsonage roof and the Messner flat.For the 40th anniversary of the church, the Englishman and art smith Anthony Wootton designed the jubilee candlestick at the church ceiling with forty and one candle. Years ago he had once made a eleven-armed candle holder. Both are hand-made ironwork. One of the special features: Who donates a certain amount, gets his initials engraved in the foot of the candle holder. During special services, visitors can light candles themselves with candles and light them on the 41st light.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 30 août 2016

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Position:Allgäu, Souabe, Bavière, Allemagne

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