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Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie
District de Münster
région de la Ruhr

Mémorial "Bergmannbuche" dans le Gysenberg de Herne

Mémorial "Bergmannbuche" dans le Gysenberg de Herne

Randonnée - Incontournable

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Mémorial "Bergmannbuche" dans le Gysenberg de Herne’
  • À la mémoire des mineurs décédés dans l'explosion de grisou au charbonnage du Mont-Cenis.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 23 septembre 2019

  • "The" Bergmannsbuche ", which stands on a forest road on the Gysenberg, not far from Gerther Straße, consists of a ground-level Marienbildstock and a sculpture of St. Barbara, the patron saint of miners, high on a tree.
    The Marienbildstock has been rebuilt last year after extensive renovation in the old place (the weekly reported). The historical roots of the memorial site were described as "lying in the dark" in the media.
    In a chronicle of Reinold Krohm, an 80-year-old native Herner, is written down that after the catastrophic crash explosion at the Sodinger colliery Mont Cenis in 1921, in which 85 miners died underground, the Sodinger farmer Elisabeth Kranenberg and her worker Antonia Gysenberg, near the Ruhmbach spring, spontaneously decorated a book with a small cross and rosary and created a quiet place under the name "Bergmannsbuche" as a focal point for the devotional remembrance of the injured mates.
    After a hurricane in November 1940 uprooted about 20 percent of the beech trees in the Gysenberg and blown away the prayer crosses of Kranenberg, the memorial was initially forgotten during the war, and only in 1946 at the instigation of museum director Karl Brand and hospital director Vinzens Luczak next to the "Bergmannsbuche "The first Marienbildstock built in memory of all injured miners and fallen soldiers in the war.
    In the years 1980 and 2011, the Marienbildstock was smashed by vandalism and burned down. In the first case Elisabeth Wichtmann provided in 1987 at its own expense for a reconstruction by the Bochum joinery Dickerhoff. In the second case, two Hernese citizens campaigned for a renewed reconstruction of the city of Herne, which was carried out in cooperation with the community of St. Peter and Paul, the urban handicapped workshops and the urban green department under the direction of Martin Pawlicki.
    On May 1, 2012, the newly built Marienbildstock was consecrated, and on May 4, the sculpture of the "Saint Barbara" was fixed with the two miners and a sign high on the "Bergmannsbuche" by Stadtgrün employees. "Source: http: //lokalkompass.de/herne/leute/bergmannsbuche-erinnert-an-grubenunglueck-auf-mont-cenis-d279806.html

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 18 décembre 2016

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

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