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Pont-Aven village

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Pont-Aven village

Pont-Aven village

Randonnée - Incontournable

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Position:Pont-Aven, Quimper, Finistère, France

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Pont-Aven village’
  • La petite ville de moulin de Pont Aven se niche idylliquement dans l'estuaire verdoyant de la rivière Aven du même nom. Il est devenu célèbre principalement parce que Paul Gauguin a passé trois mois d'été ici au 19ème siècle et plusieurs de ses œuvres les plus célèbres ont été créées ici. En vous promenant dans la ville et sur les ponts, vous pouvez très bien imaginer comment la poésie de ces paysages inspire les artistes d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 11 mai 2020

  • Not only the Crime Breton Relations of Jean-Luc Bannalec Pont-Aven has made known. Paul Gauguin succumbed to the charm of the idyllic village as early as the end of the 19th century, and many other painters were also attracted to the area. Other dazzling figures associated with Pont-Aven: the Breton bard Botrel and the journalist and writer Xavier Grall, to whom the town has dedicated a memorial to the Aven, where it is seen face to face with the Breton white ermine.Pont-Aven is located at the bottom of a formerly lined with many watermills creek, which even widens here to a mouth funnel and gives the place a harbor. It is supposed to have been 15 houses and 14 mills. The bridge over the Aven is logically a central point of the place, not by chance can be found here the business of the resident, famous Bisquiterie Traou Mad, whose colorful biscuit cans are found throughout Brittany.From here you can stroll in all directions through the village, past countless art galleries and some beautiful villas in Hafenbreich. And the scenic roads and paths along the Aven stream are a treat in and of itself. Close to the bridge you pass the former guesthouse Gloanec, where many painters were born, who together with Gauguin developed the school of Pont-Aven as an artist colony. Examples of her work could be seen in the Pont-Aven Museum of Fine Arts, if it were not rebuilt until 2015. As a consolation, however, a visit to the nearby, again idyllic Chapel of Trémalo remains to see at least the yellow Christ, who inspired Gaugins.And from which Bretagne holiday home in my small directory is the fastest way to Pont-Aven? The victory will be clearly carried away by the old mill Holiday Brittany Moulin-de-Kerouzic at Concarneau, followed by holiday home Brittany Kerargon. But as you can see from the popularity of Pont-Aven, other cottage lovers will not be discouraged.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 7 mai 2017

  • Belle ville avec beaucoup d'ambiance. Si vous ne voulez pas forcément visiter le marché, évitez les jours de marché, car la ville est très fréquentée. Les places de parking se font alors rares.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 16 août 2018

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Position:Pont-Aven, Quimper, Finistère, France

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