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Hither Pomerania Greifswald



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Position:Barth, Hither Pomerania Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Allemagne

Meilleurs itinéraires à vélo avec l'Incontournable ‘St.-Marienkirche-Barth’
  • The laying of the cornerstone of the Marienkirche probably took place around the year 1250. However, the church was finished only 200 years later with the completion of the tower. The oldest part (around 1250) is likely to be the early Gothic choir with ribbed vaulting. The church was first mentioned in records in 1333 and in 1340 for the first time under the name of St. Mary's Church. While the outer shell was hardly changed, there were several changes inside the church. The largest took place with the introduction of the Reformation in Pomerania around 1535. The formerly sumptuous furnishing of the rich port city of Barth was adapted to the new views with simple furnishings. In the year 1820/21, the church was renovated in the style of the Enlightenment and built an organ of the Berlin company Buchholz instead of a multiple rebuilt instrument from 1597.The last comprehensive transformation took place in the years 1857-1863 at the instigation of Frederick William IV of Prussia. The King had noticed the St. Mary's Church in Barth during one of his visits to the province of Pomerania, which belonged to the Kingdom of Prussia since 1815. Their white interior painting and sober interiors did not please the romantic. He commissioned the Schinkel student Friedrich August Stüler with the redesign of the interior in the style of neo-Gothic.So the church got an altar with canopy. The pulpit and the galleries were renewed or reinstalled, the painting and the ornamental design renewed. The organ prospectus was completely renewed (in the neo-gothic instead of classical style); the organ itself was not changed. The pulpit received a new cover in the form of a richly structured tower. These were manufactured by Barther Tischleraltmann Schlie. In the sanctuary the images of Karl Gottfried Pfannschmidt with the depiction of the twelve apostles, the birth and ascension of Christ have since been seen.Between 1992 and 1996 was the last renovation of the church. Thus, the entire roof including the tower was re-covered, the roof truss and roof ridge were redeveloped. The masonry of the tower and church building has been renovated and five windows rebuilt and glazed. The church received a new ringing, the organ and the northern side tower (2005) were restored.Source:

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 19 novembre 2017

  • L'église St. Marien est l'un des bâtiments en briques typiques de l'Allemagne du Nord. La première pierre de l'église a été posée en 1250, mais l'église n'a été achevée que 200 ans plus tard.

    L'église a une plate-forme d'observation d'environ 55 mètres de haut. Une fois les 180 marches gravies, le visiteur a une superbe vue panoramique sur Barth et le fascinant paysage lagunaire environnant. Lorsque la vue est dégagée, vous pouvez même voir jusqu'à Stralsund avec ses hauts clochers et jusqu'à Dornbusch sur l'île de Hiddensee.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 18 mai 2021

  • La haute tour de la grande église en briques, avec le Dammtor, surplombe les rues basses et étroites du vieux centre-ville.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 29 juin 2019

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Position:Barth, Hither Pomerania Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Allemagne

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