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Cröbern-Crostewitz (Markleeberger See)

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Cröbern-Crostewitz (Markleeberger See)

Cröbern-Crostewitz (Markleeberger See)

Sortie à vélo - Incontournable (Segment)

Recommandé par 68 sur 79 cyclistes

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Position:Markkleeberg, Leipzig, Saxe, Allemagne

Les meilleurs itinéraires cyclables avec le segment ‘Cröbern-Crostewitz (Markleeberger See)’
  • Crostewitz once had a manor which belonged to the noble family of Hohenthal from 1725 to 1834. Her progenitor was the Leipzig merchant Peter Hohmann.
    About 100 years, until 1945, the manor was owned by the Fiedler family. Especially at this time, it developed into a spiritual center, where artists of all genres reversed. Soon after the expropriation in 1945, the mansion was demolished. It experienced the same fate as in Cospuden - the stones were given as construction material to newcomers.
    In 1923 Crostewitz was incorporated into Cröbern.
    In the community Cröbern-Crostewitz the departure of the population began in 1967. The Aus was sealed in 1972 by the coal policy of the GDR and relocated the remaining residents to Markkleeberg. The district Cröbern-Crostewitz has been added in the course of dredging and decarburization by the lignite mining Espenhain in 1972 the district Wachau, a present-day district of Mark Kleeberg. The Markkleeberger See, flooding until 2006, and the adjacent recreational area with the Crostewitzer height will cover both areas.
    Source: rostewitz once had a manor that belonged from 1725 to 1834 of the noble family of Hohenthal. Her progenitor was the Leipzig merchant Peter Hohmann.
    About 100 years, until 1945, the manor was owned by the Fiedler family. Especially at this time, it developed into a spiritual center, where artists of all genres reversed. Soon after the expropriation in 1945, the mansion was demolished. It experienced the same fate as in Cospuden - the stones were given as construction material to newcomers.
    In 1923 Crostewitz was incorporated into Cröbern.
    In the community Cröbern-Crostewitz the departure of the population began in 1967. The Aus was sealed in 1972 by the coal policy of the GDR and relocated the remaining residents to Markkleeberg. The district Cröbern-Crostewitz has been added in the course of dredging and decarburization by the lignite mining Espenhain in 1972 the district Wachau, a present-day district of Mark Kleeberg. The Markkleeberger See, flooding until 2006, and the adjacent recreational area with the Crostewitzer height will cover both areas.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 3 août 2017

  • La rive sud du lac est l'un des paysages post-exploitation les plus attrayants du Leipziger Neuseenland. Des chaînes de collines alternent avec de vastes paysages ouverts et des étangs peu profonds entourés de roseaux.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 3 août 2017

  • Vue magnifique pour s'attarder.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 18 août 2018

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Position:Markkleeberg, Leipzig, Saxe, Allemagne


  • Distance1,60 km
  • Montée10 m
  • Descente20 m
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