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Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus

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Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus

Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus

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Position:Hesse, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Kaiserdom St. Bartholomäus’
  • The present cathedral was built from 1413 to 1514. He is already the 5th church at this point.
    Shortly before he was done, the money went out and the almost finished tower was closed instead of a top with a round dome.

    In truth, however, the builder of the cathedral master and the builder of the bridge bet for much money who was the first to finish his building. When the master builder of the bridge won the bet, the master builder of the cathedral dug himself from the nearly finished tower of his cathedral to his death. None of his successors should be able to finish the planned tip and so it was only in the round dome (Frankfort Sagenschatz, by Helmut Bode).

    From 1562 a total of 10 imperial coronations took place here in 230 years.
    In 1866, the free Frankfurt was occupied by the Prussians. When the Prussian king visited Frankfurt a year later for the first time, the cathedral burned out the night before. The upper half of the tower and thus the dome and the bells were completely destroyed.
    Wilhelm I promised assistance for the reconstruction on the day of his arrival.
    The reconstruction took 11 years. Now the tower was built with a new tip, as it was planned 450 years ago before the money ran out. He also received new bells, including the 12-t heavy Gloriosa, the second largest bell in Germany (the Petersglocke in Cologne Cathedral has 24 t).
    During six heavy air raids during the Second World War, fire and explosive bombs penetrated the rooftops of the cathedral, all windows shattered and the interior once again burnt down completely. This time, however, the bells and valuable interior had been brought to safety in time.
    The reconstruction lasted until 1953.

    In the dome is an apartment in which until 1942 a tower guard lived, whose task was to report fire or other threatening dangers.
    The tower is now 95 m high, with the old dome he was only 72 m high. When climbing the tower, you can climb over 328 steps to 66 m height.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 1 juillet 2018

  • La cathédrale impériale de Saint-Barthélemy est l'ancienne église d'élection et de couronnement des empereurs romains-allemands et, à ce titre, un monument important de l'histoire impériale. Au XIXe siècle notamment, elle était considérée comme un symbole de l'unité nationale.
    La cathédrale d'aujourd'hui est la quatrième église sur le même site. Les bâtiments précédents fouillés depuis la fin du 19ème siècle remontent au 7ème siècle.
    En 1239, la construction de la cathédrale gothique actuelle a commencé. Ce n'est qu'après l'incendie de la cathédrale en 1867 que la tour - qui reste unique d'un point de vue architectural - fut achevée en 1878 selon les plans conservés du Moyen Âge.La cathédrale est restée catholique même après l'introduction de la Réforme à Francfort et était la seule église paroissiale de cette dénomination dans la ville jusqu'en 1917. C'est le plus grand édifice religieux du diocèse de Limbourg, fondé en 1827.Résumé de Wikipédia

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 28 février 2022

  • With its sandy red disguise, the ticket booth adapts to the style of the neighbor. He steals the show for him: At 95 meters, the dome tower towers over the little house and asks visitors to conquer it. Once the ticket is drawn, the ascent to the top can begin.
    At the foot of the spiral staircase, an oppressive, but adventurous feeling sets in. This is ensured by the approximately 2 square meters of floor space on which the stairs wind upwards. On the sand-red wall, a railing on the left and a moored rope on the right, which winds upwards, provide for maintenance. The massive stone steps provide generous space for each step and lead past some wooden doors on the journey into the vertical. Through narrow, rectangular stone windows enough light penetrates and the view out gives an impression of how far you are already above the Romans. If you have about two-thirds of the climb behind you, the diameter of the spiral staircase shrinks by about half. On felt one square meter it goes on. Towards the end, it can be quite tense when the first tourists come to meet you, who have already taken their photos and are now heading down.
    Instead, the larger windows reward the visitor with views of the red gargoyles on the outer facades that watch over the cathedral and the city. The finials, the Gothic ornaments, are already within reach. Soon, the first voices echo down from visitors who have already reached their destination.
    Once at the top you can look forward to the 66 vertical meters and the 328 steps that you have just mastered. Or you just look triumphantly over the red pinnacles and reward yourself with a panoramic view over Frankfurt. At this point, you only tower over the tower top, which is almost 30 meters further up, and the Frankfurt skyline.
    Source: fr.de/frankfurt/turmbesteigung-dom-ueber-den-daechern-von-frankfurt-a-455273

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 12 mars 2018

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Position:Hesse, Allemagne

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