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Parchim : La mairie

Parchim : La mairie

Randonnée - Incontournable

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Position:Parchim, Ludwigslust-Parchim, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Parchim : La mairie’
  • The Rathaus am Alten Markt is an elongated, two-storey, Gothic, rectangular brick building dating back to the 14th century. This building served as the town hall, court house, citizen meeting and catering magazine. The narrow side was oriented towards the Old Market. At this not preserved rectangular Giebelschauwand were on the ground floor open arcades with six pointed arches and behind the entrance. The rectangular high-rise northeast entrance tower had two storeys and a three-sided tower tower. The three sides of the tower tower were divided by eleven vertical pilasters at the corners and between the windows. The adjoining two-storey longitudinal building had a pitched roof which was completed on the southwest side by a broadly mounted stepped gable with tracery panels. The building decayed over time and in the French period it was even used as a stabling. From 1808 the house was empty for several years and the demolition was considered.In 1818, the construction of the Mecklenburgische Oberappellationsgericht, which had been moved to Parchim, was fundamentally rebuilt by the architect and court architect Johann Georg Barca. The conversion of Barca changed the inner floor plan and the external appearance profoundly. Some gothic elements of the ruin were added and supplemented and new classical elements were added. The arbor on the marketplace side disappeared and the new main entrance was relocated to the middle of the long side to the shoe market, in the form of a new portal with four two-storey round half-columns and a spiky gable above. All window openings were greatly enlarged and received high pointed arches to illuminate the bullet retracted between ground and first floors. Both gables were now designed as a stepped gable. The intermediate continuous saddle roof was flatter than the previous building.Source:

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 9 octobre 2017

  • L'hôtel de ville de Parchim, situé au centre de la ville, est essentiellement un édifice gothique en brique du XIVe siècle. Parmi les édifices de la cité médiévale, l'hôtel de ville a pris la première place en tant que siège des autorités de la ville et en tant que symbole de l'indépendance urbaine.Après la rénovation de l'hôtel de ville de 1817 à 1820 sous la supervision du tribunal de Ludwigslust et du constructeur de terrains Barca, l'hôtel de ville a subi une autre rénovation complète en 1993 - 1997 et est devenu un joyau spécial de la vieille ville historique.
    La création de la mairie de Parchim est intimement liée à l'histoire de Parchim.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 27 mars 2019

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Position:Parchim, Ludwigslust-Parchim, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Allemagne

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