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Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie
District de Münster
région de la Ruhr

Ancien bâtiment administratif de la mine de charbon Lothringen I/II (vers 1900)

Lieux à voir
Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie
District de Münster
région de la Ruhr

Ancien bâtiment administratif de la mine de charbon Lothringen I/II (vers 1900)

Ancien bâtiment administratif de la mine de charbon Lothringen I/II (vers 1900)

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Ancien bâtiment administratif de la mine de charbon Lothringen I/II (vers 1900)’
  • The name and foundation of the Lorraine colliery refer to the Franco-Prussian War of 1870/71 and the subsequent annexation of Alsace-Lorraine to the German Reich in 1872. The first shaft was demolished in 1872, followed by four until 1914 The development of Bochum Gerthe district is inextricably linked to the former coal mine Lorraine to today dominate the numerous settlements for the workforce the townscape The buildings of Lorraine 1/2 in the Gerther center conserve some of the buildings and their use, partly of a cultural nature, provides life on the site and makes it an attraction beyond the district decorated round arches and tonn enförmiger roof design. It originates as the other older buildings from the large conversion phase around 1900, when the buildings received their characteristic design, which is based on the contrast of yellow and red bricks and Art Nouveau ornaments.On the site of the former shaft 3 in Gerther East are next to some buildings received several barracks of the local forced labor camp. They served after the Second World War, first as accommodation for newly recruited miners, then as Ledigenheim, after closure of the coal mine in 1966/67 as housing for "guest workers". In 1983, a student housing project was built in them, which rebuilt the building into its current state. Despite these modifications, the basic structure of the camp has remained largely unchanged, making it one of the few remaining architectural examples of its kind in Germany. In August 2005, it was inscribed in the list of monuments. Across the whole of Lorraine, the coal mine Lorraine was hit by a heavy mining accident in which 144 miners died in 1912 as a result of an explosive weather explosion. Emperor Wilhelm, who attended the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the company Krupp in Essen at this time, then rushed to a media-effective condolence visit to Gerthe. "Source: route-industriekultur.ruhr/themenrouten/16-westfaelische-bergbauroute/zeche-lothringen. htmlMore info under: kulturrat-bochum.de/index.php?id=146

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 3 avril 2018

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

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