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Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie
District de Münster
région de la Ruhr

Ancienne salle des machines de la mine Julia, Herne

Ancienne salle des machines de la mine Julia, Herne

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

Meilleurs itinéraires à vélo avec l'Incontournable ‘Ancienne salle des machines de la mine Julia, Herne’
  • « La mine Julia était une mine de charbon à Herne-Baukau. De 1869 à 1889, elle a été exploitée sous le nom de Barillon Colliery. Après la fermeture de la mine, le marché de gros Herner s'est installé sur le site minier en 1964. »
    Source et informations complémentaires sur :
    - wiki.hv-her-wan.de/index.php?title=Zeche_Julia
    - zechensuche.de/herne.htm
    - waz.de/staedte/herne-wanne-eickel/asb-herne-baut-neue-fahrdienstzentrale-in-baukau-id211198555.html

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 8 avril 2018

  • "The Julia colliery was founded by Wilhelm Endemann. He had a preference for the Hohenzollern and is said to have named the facility after one of the princesses. After the award of the fields Julia, Julia I and Bibiana in 1857, he found no buyer and paid the reimbursement due, a kind of penalty for non-immediate sinks of a shaft. Otherwise, he would have confused the rights of defense. In 1867, the shareholders of the Providence colliery took over the fields and changed their name to Barillon. There is only the word "baril" (barrel, barrel) in the official dictionary, colloquially called "barillon" a small barrel. This may mean an ironic allusion to the expected yields. More likely one of the shareholders had the surname Barillon.
    As with the sinking of Providence, there were heavy inflows of water. Here were built on 50 m tubbings. In 1869, the first iron conveyor scaffolding in the Ruhr area was built on this site. These were previously always executed in wood, as well as those within the Malakofftürme in the 1870s. It was one of the rare pyramid skeletons in the Ruhr area. Iron scaffolds were used i.d.R. Standard late 19th century (shatterproof steel available). The main reason was that again and again fires paralyzed the promotion.
    In 1872 Barillon also met it. Directly at the shaft, a fire broke out, which spread to the conveyor system. Although the iron framework remained bent, but the haulage of aloe and hemp fibers burned through. The conveyor baskets crashed and 16 miners could only be freed after extinguishing. They were lucky that hardly any combustion gases entered the mines because there was no second manhole as an escape route. It took three years to get rid of all damage. The coal mining was very profitable from 1875 and the future prospects are good. Then at the end of January 1877 the dewatering machine was damaged. Since the then usual Balancier Damfmaschinen were unique, the delivery of the spare part took until the middle of the year. The water was lifted with vessels that hung under the hoist. Therefore, the basket had to be pulled higher than normal and the safety gear was taken out of service. As a result, the basket crashed twice. Surprisingly, almost the promotion of the previous year could be achieved. "

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 8 avril 2018

  • "In the year 1880, there was a blow-up explosion with seven dead and four injured. The worse economic situation and the material damage of the fire had delayed the installation of the urgently needed ventilation shaft, which was sunk in 1886. The situation improved fundamentally only with the assumption by the Harpenener mining AG 1889 and the renaming in Julia.
    The operators had despite all humility achieved a high profit, but found the time for a sale favorable. Over the next few years, modernization of outdated day care facilities would have become necessary. Underground, large stocks were prepared and the coal quality was excellent. Despite the recommendation of Friedrich Grillo, the Supervisory Board of Gelsenkirchener Bergbau AG, whose collieries to the west adjourned, refused the purchase. So the mines came to Harpener Bergbau AG, based in Bochum. For them they formed together with Recklinghausen I and II a cohesive coal field, but had no connection to their own facilities.
    The day facilities were completely renewed and were completed in 1908 with the commissioning of the administrative / Waschkauentrakt. In 1894, Schacht 1 received a new conveyor frame. It was unusually high, as eight-floor conveyor baskets were hung. From 1903, the shaft 2 was sunk, which went into promotion in 1907. He received a tomsonbuck. It had been developed by the Belgian mining engineer Tomson. Tomson was from 1882 director of the Harpen colliery Gneisenau and built there in 1886 on the second shaft of the first of these scaffolding. It was used because of the good properties on almost all systems of Harpener Bergbau AG. [If one sees such a framework on historical photos, it is almost always a Harpener colliery].
    In 1918, as described above, the mine was connected by the Heydt and 1961 then affiliated to the colliery Recklinghausen. As an independent plant, Julia produced 500,000 - 800,000 t / a with the maximum of 814,788 t in 1939, of the Heydt 280000 - 360000 t / a with the maximum of 471983 t in 1900. Julia still has some buildings on the first shaft. "

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 8 avril 2018

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

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