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lande de Lunebourg

Das Haufendorf Krümse

Das Haufendorf Krümse

Sortie à vélo - Incontournable

Recommandé par 115 sur 118 cyclistes

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Position:lande de Lunebourg, Basse-Saxe, Allemagne

Meilleurs itinéraires à vélo avec l'Incontournable ‘Das Haufendorf Krümse’
  • Ce n'est qu'avec le projet de drainage à grande échelle à la fin du 19ème siècle qu'il y a eu un déclin rapide de la population de cigognes blanches dans l'Elbmarsch. La construction du canal d'Ilmenau, la digue, le drainage des plans d'eau et la surconstruction des zones humides ont fortement réduit les sources de nourriture des cigognes (vers de terre comme première nourriture, amphibiens, insectes, souris, poissons pour les plus grands). Entre-temps, la population de cigognes s'est stabilisée à un niveau beaucoup plus bas qu'auparavant.Certains des sites de nidification des fermes de Krümse, Fahrenholz et Mover sont régulièrement occupés depuis des décennies, la plupart avec un succès de reproduction annuel. Le Drennhäuser Hinterdeich est une aire d'alimentation populaire pour les cigognes. Plus l'approvisionnement alimentaire est bon, plus les zones dont ils ont besoin pour l'approvisionnement alimentaire sont petites.De nos jours, des tentatives sont faites pour réinstaller les cigognes sur des mâts à cigognes. Ils offrent l'avantage d'une voie d'approche libre, car la cigogne dépend d'une certaine direction du vent lors de son approche. Il offre également une bonne protection contre les prédateurs tels que les martres et les chats. Un tel mât peut être vu, par exemple, à Rönne au sud d'Elbuferstraße.samtgemeinde-elbmarsch.de/agenda21/kruemse.html

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 23 mai 2020

  • The village Krümse was first mentioned in documents in 1333 as Krümsee (according to NLH information sheet 8) or Krummingehusen - Krummhausen, a village on a crooked street (after Reinstorf); Of course, it existed earlier.Originally the heap village was built on a natural hill, the houses were in addition to protection against flooding on Wurten. In order to be able to farm, the march had to be drained and dikes had to be built. It is assumed that the oldest dykes of the Elbmarsch around Krümse in the 10./11. Century emerged. It was followed successively more dike buildings, through which the Elbfeld should be protected.Of course, the dikes at that time were not comparable to today's buildings, because they were narrower and lower. For the structural conditions of the time, however, they represented a great achievement and offered above all the appropriate protection.
    An indication that the dike system around the Elbfeld is older than the eastern Elbdeiche, provides the type of corridor distribution (at least before the land consolidation).
    From Rönne to Drage / Laßrönne, the areas were drained by an irregular system of ditches, the so-called block corridors were created. It is an old Saxon form of land acquisition; Erbhöfe were owned by the families who paid for it, who paid the tithes to rule.On the other hand, between Bleckede and Marschacht up to the bettors, the so-called strip corridor - long, regularly laid pieces - prevailed. They were areas of "rule" that had been divided into Dutch patterns. The restructuring - before that there was probably also block corridors (crooked ways can be concluded) - was certainly accompanied by dike and drainage systems to Holländerart. It can be established on the basis of documents to the time around 1258 (Johannsen, 1993). The block corridors and thus also the dikes around the Elbfeld (the "restructuring dikes" ended here) were therefore older.All in all, however, it was still a relatively open area with water bodies, reeds, reeds and wet grassland. All these were optimal conditions for the white stork, which is still here today in Krümse.Source:

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 9 avril 2018

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Position:lande de Lunebourg, Basse-Saxe, Allemagne

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