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région des cinq lacs de Starnberg

Starnberger See

Starnberger See

Randonnée - Incontournable

Recommandé par 326 sur 344 randonneurs

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Position:région des cinq lacs de Starnberg, Starnberg, Haute-Bavière, Bavière, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Starnberger See’
  • Un grand lac qui a vraiment beaucoup à offrir. Il faut investir du temps pour les 53 kilomètres d'un tour du monde, mais cela en vaut la peine.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 18 mars 2018

  • Hello,
    (Circumnavigation of the lake 55Km)
    I went with my best friend, buddy once again into an adventure. We knew that this would not be easy for us and I have to say that the tour is only for experienced, mentally strong hikers.
    It will not only stay with a Wehwechen, but in all possible Fuß.- Bein.- hip pain pass, we both had shoulder.- or neck pain, whether they came from the backpack or from the walking sticks I do not know.
    Every break is good at the moment, but any further getting up will be torture in the short term and will take 5-10 minutes.
    I ran the tour with my outdoor running shoes, my special with hiking boots, both went very well times had the one or the other shoe a bit advantages.
    We started in Percha, down towards Seeheim, so on the side near Munich, there were always small places and shops, economies where you get something to eat and drink. There is a lot of tar on the road but without wild traffic.
    Once at the bottom, the next 20 - 25 km hiked in the nature reserve - super nice but no more economies.
    In Tutzing come two beer gardens, one for the upper class and right behind it for the normal mortal, laugh, which I personally personally much prefer anyway.
    In the summer there are Steckerlfisch, Spareribs, Spansau and much more. just my sense of humor, unfortunately we were there at the end of October, since the and the few others on the site had closed all seasonally completely.
    Shortly after Possenhofen it is then about 5 km from the beautiful landscape on the road to Starnberg which is no longer beautiful and is also very busy.
    But along the lake, you would not have to go through the private lots.
    Further left-lenght there is a trail as I found out on Google Maps in retrospect, see picture.We were with breaks 12.5 hours on the road, where 2 hours were breaks, why komoot displays 9.5 hours runtime, I do not know, is definitely not.
    Hope could give one or the other a tip.
    Greetings Marcus

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 18 avril 2018

  • De Starnberg à Berg, l'itinéraire passe principalement directement sur le lac

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 23 septembre 2017

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Position:région des cinq lacs de Starnberg, Starnberg, Haute-Bavière, Bavière, Allemagne

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