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Die Wassermühle in Erkerode

Die Wassermühle in Erkerode

VTT - Incontournable

Recommandé par 28 vététistes

Cet Incontournable se situe dans une zone protégée

Consultez les réglementations locales : Naturpark Elm-Lappwald

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Position:Erkerode, Wolfenbüttel, Basse-Saxe, Allemagne

Meilleures itinéraires de vélo de montagne avec l'Incontournable ‘Die Wassermühle in Erkerode’
  • The honeycomb once drove in Erkerode 3 mills, all of which are already mentioned in 1175 in a contract of sale of the Brunswick monastery St. Aegidien.
    1613 was a new building of the local mill by the family Maßberg, which is still legible in an inscription stone on the water wall. From then on, the Maßberg family operated the mill for several generations until the mid-19th century.
    In 1857, Heinrich Hacke was named owner of the estate. During this time, the mill was still working with 2 water wheels and 2 grinding, 1846 also an additional gray runner is mentioned.
    In 1885 the Schöppenstedter Kaufmann Schaumann was named as a mill owner, as Müller Carl Wüstefeld.
    In 1895, August Achilles acquired the mill and soon had it thoroughly modernized. It was followed by the installation of a roll mill and novel screen and grain cleaning machines, the two Steinmahlgänge were henceforth driven by a single waterwheel and a stationary countershaft from below.
    The Mill Achilles was in operation until 1976, and over the last few decades mainly shotgun has been produced and some of the machines have been rebuilt some time ago.
    Under the current owners family Kunze and the "Association water mill Erkerode e.V." Was a renewal of the water wheel and 2005 to 2010 a complete restoration and completion of the mill technology. The mill equipment with 2 stone grinding, the iron stationary gear, div. Transmission and miller machines is operational. A special feature is the elaborately reconstructed grain cleaning machine "Eureka", which is today only in very few copies. The water wheel also serves to generate electricity. In addition to the demonstration of the mill technology, the interiors are also used for various cultural events.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 10 mai 2018

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Position:Erkerode, Wolfenbüttel, Basse-Saxe, Allemagne

Prévisions - Erkerode