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District de Stuttgart


Lauffen am Neckar

Blick von der „Alten Neckarbrücke“ auf Lauffen am Neckar

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District de Stuttgart


Lauffen am Neckar

Blick von der „Alten Neckarbrücke“ auf Lauffen am Neckar

Blick von der „Alten Neckarbrücke“ auf Lauffen am Neckar

Sortie à vélo - Incontournable

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Position:Lauffen am Neckar, Heilbronn, District de Stuttgart, Bade-Wurtemberg, Allemagne

Meilleurs itinéraires à vélo avec l'Incontournable ‘Blick von der „Alten Neckarbrücke“ auf Lauffen am Neckar’
  • Vous devriez prendre un peu plus de temps ici, il y a tellement de choses à découvrir et à voir. Un court repos - vous avez manqué quelque chose !

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 11 janvier 2020

  • First finds point to a settlement of the Lauffener river basin already 500 v. Chr. Chr. Around 85 AD, the Romans came. High above the Neckar in 1978, a Roman farm was excavated. The well-preserved foundations and remnants of heating and bathing facilities provide insights into the Roman way of life on an agricultural estate almost 2,000 years ago.
    Bishop Humbert had the first small stone building built on the site of today's Regiswindiskirche, which rises imposingly on a hill to the left of the Neckar. 1050-1150 was a new building as a Middle Romanesque church. In 1227-1300, there was a rebuilding dedicated to the Holy Regis Windis. The Regiswindiskirche thus formed the center of the former village "Lauffen village".
    Next to the church stands the former St. Anne's Chapel. With the transfer of the stone sarcophagus of the Regiswindis from the churchyard to the chapel in March 1882, the name "Regiswindiskapelle" became established.
    Around 1011, the royal estate Lauffen passed to the Earl family of Popponen, who built a castle on the Neckar Island in 1150 opposite the Regiswindiskirche, which is today surrounded by the picturesque arm of the Neckar and the fortified shipping canal. Since 1818 she serves as city hall Lauffen and is still today the seat of the mayor. On 3 floors, the castle museum, which was established in the Salierzeit residential tower of the castle in 2006, offers as a permanent exhibition an insight into the life of the 11th century, into the history of the castle and the counts.
    To the right of the Neckar was a craftsman settlement, which was probably built before 1220 to the city and should have been owned by 1274 walls, which still make up their special charm: the former "city Lauffen", the part of Lauffen, who still lovingly "Städtle" is called.
    Other attractions in the Städtle are the 1651 built bay house, the Old Heilbronner gate in the middle of the impressive city walls, the Old Press with its vaulted cellar, the Martinskirche and the Old Neckar Bridge, which already since 1532 city and village connects.
    The village of Lauffen to the left of the Neckar with the Regiswindiskirche and the town of Lauffen to the right of the Neckar with the castle Grafenburg were only in 1914 united to the municipality of Lauffen am Neckar, which today, including the new building areas home to about 11,000 inhabitants.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 3 août 2018

  • Hmmmm ... Lauffen est une station idéale entre Zabergäu et les montagnes du Löwenstein. Ou vous pédalez le long du Nackar en direction de Heilbronn et jusqu'à Heidelberg. Dans la ville elle-même, il y a plusieurs cafés et boulangeries où vous pouvez faire le plein de provisions.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 7 août 2018

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Position:Lauffen am Neckar, Heilbronn, District de Stuttgart, Bade-Wurtemberg, Allemagne

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