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Ruppiner lac land

Fosses communes dans la forêt de Schmachtenhagen

Fosses communes dans la forêt de Schmachtenhagen

Randonnée - Incontournable

Recommandé par 12 sur 13 randonneurs

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Position:Oranienburg, Oberhavel, Ruppiner lac land, Brandebourg, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Fosses communes dans la forêt de Schmachtenhagen’
  • Mass grave discovered near Oranienburg■ Excavations in the Potsdam district / dead one above the otherOranienburg (dpa) - Barely 40 years after the dissolution of the Soviet internment camp at Oranienburg in the GDR district of Potsdam, a mass grave was dug on Friday. Soldiers of the National People's Army (NVA) released within a few hours in several groups in Schmachtenhagener forest human skeletons, which were buried only one meter underground. Skull and bones lay close together. The soldiers who volunteered for this major excavation also found bullet casings and rusty rectangular dog tags.According to contemporary witnesses, the dead were shot dead between 1945 and 1948 by members of the Soviet Army and buried in the valley. The Soviet Security Service (NKVD) maintained a special camp for prisoners near the site from 1945 to 1950. In 1946, the actor Heinrich George was killed in this internment camp - the Nazi concentration camp Sachsenhausen before the end of the war - and regarded by the Soviets as a Nazi collaborator. ,The 62-year-old electrical engineer Kurt Müller, who had informed public bodies about the mass cemetery in December, reported at the scene of the incident that during the period between 1945 and 1948 he had heard shots "for months and years at night". Like other local residents, he was woken up by the noise of trucks at night. At the time, however, no one had been able to enter the compound, as it had been sealed off by Soviet soldiers. A friend later led him to the place. There they would have found human remains. He has not been able to reveal his knowledge until now. "I wanted to be sure that history would not fall into the hands of Party comrades and disappear."The soldiers stopped digging around noon. Criminal police and forensic scientists should secure further traces. Surveying experts from Leipzig are to determine the extent of the mass grave by electrical earth measurements.The dead are to remain in the locality, said the deputy chairman of the council of the circle of Oranienburg, Heinz Erdmann. The community would ever build a memorial stone. According to previous estimates, the tomb is said to be about one thousand to twelve hundred dead.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 15 juillet 2018

  • Je rejoins le tom errant, souvenir de personnes qui ont continué à être tuées après la guerre, mais d'un autre côté. Cela n'a jamais été autorisé à en parler et n'est maintenant pas non plus correctement traité.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 20 novembre 2021

  • Un lieu de mémoire des morts dont on n'a pas pu parler si longtemps.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 1 novembre 2020

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Position:Oranienburg, Oberhavel, Ruppiner lac land, Brandebourg, Allemagne

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