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Randonnée - Incontournable (Segment)

Recommandé par 91 sur 97 randonneurs

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Position:Bürserberg, Montafon, Bludenz, Autriche

Les meilleurs itinéraires avec ce segment ‘Steinkreise’
  • Les astronomes de l'âge de pierre ont construit un système de réseau d'environ 2000 mégalithes ici, ce qui peut être bien comparé aux monuments de pierre de Stonehenge, en Angleterre et de Carnac en Bretagne, en France.

    Les cercles de pierres érigés par les sages et les prêtres de l'âge de pierre, ainsi que les chaînes de montagnes environnantes du Rätikon, forment l'arrière-plan de cette structure mégalithique unique en Europe.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 1 février 2015

  • Stone circles on the high plateau Tschengla
    Full of secrets are the huge Neolithic stone circles on the Bürserberg whose true meaning we can only guess.
    ContactBrandnertal tourism
    Mühledörfle 40 | fire
    T +43 5559 555
    F +43 5552 30227 1730
    The stone circles discovered on the Bürserberg are probably cult sites of our ancestors. People could recharge their batteries there and in many cases healing processes were started in such places. This is the opinion of renowned scientists who met in Bürserberg in October 2003.The aim of the conference was to learn more about the cultural achievements of our ancestors and about the influence of fault zones, power stations and water veins on humans. The circle of experts was top-class. It consisted of cardiac surgeons, astronomers, mythologists, local historians, geomancers (professional dowsers) and measurement technicians. Mr. Gerhard Pirchl was able to locate and reconstruct the stone circles due to his high sensitivity to disturbance fields and water veins. He found in the squares vein crosses and a high force field concentration.The astronomical orientation allows comparisons with all famous, European facilities and points to a gigantic calendar system from the Neolithic period (5,000 to 1,900 BC). Cult place overlooking a stony deity, as once recorded by Greek and Roman historians for posterity: goddess Raetia. It determines the flow of life. Following Roman tradition, all waters were dedicated to Raetia, nature's mistress. Nobody can escape the mysticism of these stone circles.Those who are ready feel the unique magic and feel the power of their sensuality. Feelings that are still puzzling for science today. Stones, with a very special charisma and meaning, in positive and negative lines, laid out millennia ago. Walk in the footsteps of goddess Raetia. Fathom their mysterious, stone message, draw strength from the hidden.Stone circles on the high plateau Tschengla
    Stone circles on the high plateau Tschengla
    360 ° panorama stone circles
    360 ° panorama stone circles
    Guided tour of the stone circles
    Starting next winter season, guided tours will be offered at the mystical stone circles on the high plateau Tschengla.Appointment: Every Wednesday at 2 pm (only by appointment!)
    Duration: approx. 2 h
    Participants: min. 2 and max. 12 participants
    Cost: € 50, - per group
    The guided tours will only take place after prior telephone notification at T +43 676 9639001 or T +41 78 7918337. The meeting point will be announced upon registration.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 7 janvier 2017

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Position:Bürserberg, Montafon, Bludenz, Autriche


  • Distance218 m
  • Montée20 m
  • Descente20 m
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