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Wiebke Lühmann a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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Wiebke Lühmann

Vichnashi - Mele // through Ushguli // great gravel roads up to big glaciers and over Zagari Pass // staying in Guesthouse Rati

Wiebke Lühmann

Vichnashi - Mele // through Ushguli // great gravel roads up to big glaciers and over Zagari Pass // staying in Guesthouse Rati

Vichnashi - Mele // through Ushguli // great gravel roads up to big glaciers and over Zagari Pass // staying in Guesthouse Rati

67,7 km
12,9 km/h
1 320 m
1 720 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
19,2 km
40,4 km
67,7 km



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a fait du VTT.

7 juillet 2023


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