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👣Katja & Hunde🐾

Angertal (Teil 1): Von Ratingen nach Homberg am Homberger Bach entlang

👣Katja & Hunde🐾

Angertal (Teil 1): Von Ratingen nach Homberg am Homberger Bach entlang

Angertal (Teil 1): Von Ratingen nach Homberg am Homberger Bach entlang

4,63 km
4,1 km/h
90 m
50 m
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24 m
268 m
1,40 km
2,99 km
3,23 km

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4,63 km



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et ont fait une randonnée.

31 mars 2020


  • 31 mars 2020

    Hike in two parts! Since I failed the app in Homberg, there are two tours separated there and back ... The start and end of the tour were beautiful! But the road to and from Homberg is not for dog walking because of the cars. You always have to jump to the side to avoid being run over. However, the view

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