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Mark J Thomson a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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Mark J Thomson

Ongarue to Pureora

Mark J Thomson

Ongarue to Pureora

Ongarue to Pureora

57,5 km
13,7 km/h
940 m
600 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
Camping coffee in the dark... Yes!
43 m
Ready to rock.
12,9 km
First climb, quiet road
16,1 km
Riding by, Stephen enjoying his new bike
24,4 km
Autumn colours
57,5 km
Mt Pureora... we are going up there...
57,5 km



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et ont fait une sortie à vélo.

29 mai 2020


  • 31 mai 2020

    Leaving Auckland (by car this time...) Stephen and I headed south. The weather was overcast but dry and still. It was predicted to be reasonable weather where we were headed. The plan was to drive to the bottom of the Timber Trail, park there, ride to the top then ride the trail. The initial plan was

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