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Horn --> Ruine Schimmelsprung


Horn --> Ruine Schimmelsprung

Horn --> Ruine Schimmelsprung

30,6 km
16,8 km/h
480 m
470 m
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Point de départ
4,24 km
4,68 km
Das Taffatal...ein Juwel unserer Heimat 🇦🇹
9,17 km
Blick ins Kamptal
13,6 km
14,4 km

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30,6 km



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Sachez exactement à quoi vous attendre avec des informations très précises sur la surface, le type de chemin et le dénivelé.

a fait du VTT.

1 juin 2020


  • 1 juin 2020

    Cool round with sometimes difficult sections.



    The first documentary mention of Thunau Castle dates from 1196 and was the seat of the Thunau ministerial family (Thumbenove). Decay occurred at the end of the 14th century.


    However, the ruin only got the name Schimmelprung from the legends that surround

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  • 1 juin 2020

    There you left something out: Approach via Thunau asphalt goes over forest path, up to the plateau - there you have the first great view over Zitternberg & Gars - then over to the ruin and then down the steep path that you drove up and down. Maybe. let's go together :)

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