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Kurt Fortwängler a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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Kurt Fortwängler

🇮🇸 Island, Fjaðrárgljúfur

Kurt Fortwängler

🇮🇸 Island, Fjaðrárgljúfur

🇮🇸 Island, Fjaðrárgljúfur

2,44 km
4,6 km/h
60 m
70 m
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10 m
(Leider nicht) unser Auto!
599 m
610 m
1,25 km
1,25 km
1,26 km
1,32 km
1,61 km
2,35 km
2,35 km
2,44 km



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a fait une randonnée.

7 octobre 2020


  • 7 octobre 2020

    Today was another sunny day - after a week with mostly rain a very welcome change! Today is driving day, but the distance is not far and we have some time for stopovers. The first one right here, not far from our last accommodation.

    The road here, after a short time without asphalt, practically ends at

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