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Vennrunde Süd


Vennrunde Süd

Vennrunde Süd

18,1 km
3,5 km/h
210 m
210 m
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Point de départ
0 m
1,03 km
1,46 km
2,29 km
3,80 km
4,57 km
6,56 km
8,62 km
14,0 km
18,1 km



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a fait une randonnée.

5 décembre 2020


  • 5 décembre 2020

    Today we started a tour from Baraque Michel into the southern Fens along the Hill.

    At first, the route was still easy to walk on over billet dams and solid paths. The further we got into the Fens, the worse the roads got and the ground got softer and softer. The billet dams were only partially there

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  • 6 décembre 2020

    Nice tour and great photos of the pre-winter Venn that you took there😃👍. Your report sounds really interesting and adventurous. Yes, the High Fens is always recommended for an eventful hike 😊 Thank you for sharing your exciting tour and the atmospheric pictures😄

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