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Fräulein Gaida

Bergischer Streifzug Nr. 9: Bergischer Fuhrmannweg

Fräulein Gaida

Bergischer Streifzug Nr. 9: Bergischer Fuhrmannweg

Bergischer Streifzug Nr. 9: Bergischer Fuhrmannweg

13,2 km
5,3 km/h
250 m
260 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
1,37 km
3,26 km
3,45 km
7,44 km
7,68 km
10,2 km
11,3 km
11,4 km
13,6 km
13,2 km



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a fait une randonnée.

2 juillet 2021


  • 3 juillet 2021

    The 9th Bergische Streifzug is dedicated to the Bergische carters and leads from Marienheide around the Brucher dam.

    "On a hundred streets he was one at home, in wind and weather he drove through the country" says one of the many information boards, on which you can find exciting information and lots

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  • 3 juillet 2021

    Which is quickly crossed. You now follow the circular route to the old hollow path in the direction of Grevershagen and on to Müllenbach. In Müllenbach there is a beautiful fountain with pictures of the carters and an old carter yard.

    Back at the Brucher, follow the rest of the circular route around the

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