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Bergische 50 - 2021 🥾


Bergische 50 - 2021 🥾

Bergische 50 - 2021 🥾

49,7 km
5,7 km/h
830 m
820 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
321 m
Los geht's 🙂
509 m
908 m
1,47 km
1,75 km
2,42 km
3,15 km
3,28 km
3,52 km
5,00 km
5 km sind ein Spaziergang
8,63 km
9,14 km
11,0 km
11,1 km
Blick auf die Bevertalsperre
11,1 km
12,4 km
14,0 km
15,0 km
15,2 km
16,0 km
17,3 km
17,6 km
17,8 km
18,4 km
20,6 km
21,5 km
21,9 km
22,1 km
24,3 km
25,2 km
25,9 km
26,6 km
28,1 km
29,3 km
29,5 km
30,4 km
31,0 km
31,5 km
31,5 km
31,5 km
32,4 km
33,0 km
34,6 km
37,6 km
38,4 km
39,1 km
Schevelinger Talsperre
39,4 km
40,0 km
40,5 km
40,6 km
41,8 km
45,1 km
Wasser auffüllen 💧
46,0 km
46,0 km
49,4 km
Geschafft 🥾
49,7 km



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et 6 membres ont fait une randonnée.

3 juillet 2021


  • 3 juillet 2021

    Today the Bergische 50 went into the 6th edition in wonderful weather.

    The Bergische 50 is a 12 hour - 50 kilometer hike that leads through the Bergisches Land.

    Same troop as last year and again with a lot of fun, crossed the finish line together ☀️🥾

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 3 juillet 2021

    Congratulations! The photos 😆👍 prove that you had fun

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 3 juillet 2021

    Done well and really quickly! 👏👍

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 3 juillet 2021

    Wow, what a great achievement🤩👏🏻Congratulations🙋🏻‍♀️

    That looks like a lot of fun 😊 but you will probably not be able to move your legs tomorrow

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 3 juillet 2021

    Hello Beate,

    very nice pictures and congratulations to all of you. You can see that you put your heart and soul into it.

    It hurts my soul that I wasn't allowed to be part of it ...



    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 4 juillet 2021

    Madness heartfelt. Congratulations on this great achievement 🏅

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 4 juillet 2021

    Certainly not always easy to maintain the mood in such a large group with this effort. Looks like you did a great job - congratulations! 👍😃

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 4 juillet 2021

    Congratulations 🏅👌🏻🥾, a great achievement. In the photos it looks like you had a lot of fun despite the effort. 😊🍀 class!

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 4 juillet 2021

    Hello Beate,

    50km, that's a house number! Respect!

    Wipperfürth is a Hanseatic city? I didn't know that yet.

    Well, many don't even know that Cologne is one. In this respect, my knowledge deficit still works! 😂

    Nice tour, but too much power for me. 🤗🙏

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  • 4 juillet 2021

    Every year again and yet different every year ... This year it was really cool and pleasant at the beginning and later the sun really roasted ... It was not a piece of cake like last year, but not so bad that we won't do it again next year. Thanks for the great time 🤗🤗🤗👣

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  • 4 juillet 2021


  • 4 juillet 2021

    Respect and congratulations! 👍

    I hope that I will be able to take part in my "home hike" myself next year.

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