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Superb hike through a dream landscape with vineyards and views of Rheinhessen


Superb hike through a dream landscape with vineyards and views of Rheinhessen

Superb hike through a dream landscape with vineyards and views of Rheinhessen

8,91 km
4,0 km/h
240 m
250 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
245 m
1,63 km
1,76 km
1,82 km
2,38 km
2,40 km
3,46 km
3,57 km
3,58 km
4,91 km
4,95 km
5,76 km
5,97 km
6,06 km
6,06 km
6,24 km
6,38 km
6,39 km
6,98 km
6,98 km
6,99 km
7,31 km
7,32 km
8,09 km
8,10 km
8,60 km
8,91 km



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Sachez exactement à quoi vous attendre avec des informations très précises sur la surface, le type de chemin et le dénivelé.

a fait une randonnée.

11 juillet 2021


  • 12 juillet 2021

    A great hiking area on a hill. Throughout the hike you can expect to enjoy fantastic views. Everywhere there are extremely beautiful flowers that attract thousands of butterflies and other insects. It is a feast for the eyes and you can enjoy hours of all the beauty.

  • 12 juillet 2021

    What a beautiful photos, it is a pleasure to look at

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 12 juillet 2021

    😍😍😍 woaa boah yeah my goodness, what kind of beautiful shots are these enchanting your look, sooo beautiful, every time something new, thanks for taking with you ♥ ️ small detail on the first one

    Image: Didn't some insect fly in front of your lens and now it appears in the sun? I noticed when I looked closely, wonderful 😄

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  • 13 juillet 2021

    Boy what beautiful pictures... Brilliant.

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  • 13 juillet 2021

    Wow Beautiful photos Marc!👍👍👍👍👍

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  • 13 juillet 2021

    Beautiful surroundings 😍 and yes, beautiful photos too!

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  • 13 juillet 2021

    You have captured the area splendidly - I am thrilled!

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