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Wer Wolf🐺

22./ 23.07.2021 Midnight Walk von Hollenstedt: Este la Vista! (Ode an #Dolle😁)

Wer Wolf🐺

22./ 23.07.2021 Midnight Walk von Hollenstedt: Este la Vista! (Ode an #Dolle😁)

22./ 23.07.2021 Midnight Walk von Hollenstedt: Este la Vista! (Ode an #Dolle😁)

11,7 km
4,5 km/h
100 m
110 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
387 m
3,88 km
6,56 km
7,32 km
10,1 km
11,7 km



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a fait une randonnée.

22 juillet 2021


  • 23 juillet 2021

    So. Ode to #dolle. The 3 stages Heidschnuckenweg hiked in one night. Of course I can't. But the night is already my thing. As Wer Wolf 👌.

    The full moon is only Saturday. But today was pretty nice too. I had fond memories of the way on the Este. But even there you can be mistaken. Thought, go the other

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  • 23 juillet 2021

    Music two three:

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  • 23 juillet 2021

    Journal de vampire 🐺

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  • 23 juillet 2021

    Great that you did that! Nobody takes the experience from you. Starting a night hike in the deepest forest and on narrow paths on the Este is very exciting. There were certainly a lot of bats around 🦇

    That night from Friday to Saturday there is a full moon and it seems to be a starry night. In the L

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  • 23 juillet 2021

    They only come out at night, the fate of the WerWolves. It is not only the noises that change / intensify, but also the dimensions or silhouettes of everything that stands and goes. Many a hunter has already shot the cat in the pale light because he thought it was a big boar. Great tour, I have to do

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  • 23 juillet 2021

    @Dolle: I'm looking forward to it too! And there were actually a lot of bats - almost cheesy, like those that sailed around in front of the moon Mond

    I had also flirted with the weekend because of the full moon. And also thought of the heather. However, I had a circular route in mind, because I don't

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  • 23 juillet 2021

    @Burkhard: Actually, I'm not somehow afraid, but I have respect for the nighttime situation ... it is not so much the animals to be expected, but rather human influences that ensure it. It really should have happened that hunters are wrong


    Dogs have accompanied my life for a long time, unfortunately there

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  • 24 juillet 2021

    The more often you are out alone at night, the more normal it feels. Last night I wore a safety vest so I wouldn't have a hunting accident in the fog. Better than a flashlight is a headlamp with a red rear light and various light modes at the front in order to run optimally.

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