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E-MTB (Enduro) Tour längs der Wupper- Tag 3 Wuppertal nach Solingen - Burg


E-MTB (Enduro) Tour längs der Wupper- Tag 3 Wuppertal nach Solingen - Burg

E-MTB (Enduro) Tour längs der Wupper- Tag 3 Wuppertal nach Solingen - Burg

62,2 km
13,0 km/h
1 160 m
1 260 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


Point de départ
5,85 km
7,58 km
12,5 km
24,3 km
24,5 km
30,8 km
60,9 km
62,2 km



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a fait un Tour.

4 août 2021


  • 5 août 2021

    Hello again, were you able to spend the night in Burg? Would be very happy. What about the damage there, what did the owner of the property say about it? Hope they got away with it with a black eye, even if the pictures actually suggested something else.

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  • 5 août 2021

    Hi (I'm the son of Thomas) in Unterburg there are no more bars or cafes but the hotel where we were is higher up and therefore remained intact. The castle itself has already been tidied up, there are still a few rubble in the Wupper and the cable car is not running at the moment due to damage to the foundation.

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  • 5 août 2021

    Hello Alex, I am glad that you could stay there overnight. I'm so sorry for the people and the environment there. We were always welcomed in a very friendly and amiable manner in the restaurants and kiosks, but it is unbelievable that this is no longer the case.

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  • 6 août 2021

    Hello Alex, now my Komoot app is working again. When you approach Unterburg, it doesn't look so different at first glance. But at second glance you can see that the basement and ground floors were probably underwater with many. In conversation with the, we learned that a lot will come back this year

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