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Mark Fletcher

Hjævejen - Engesvang St to Jelling St

Mark Fletcher

Hjævejen - Engesvang St to Jelling St

Hjævejen - Engesvang St to Jelling St

73,0 km
16,9 km/h
790 m
790 m
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Point de départ
919 m
4,73 km
7,16 km

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73,0 km



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a fait du VTT.

4 septembre 2021


  • 4 septembre 2021

    This was along the hiking route on an XC bike. I highly recommend an XC OR MTB with tire width of 50mm-2.4inches. There are several sand patches, as well as many tree roots sections. I am sure it can be done on a gravel bike with 35-40mm tires, but it would be a hard workout and many sections with

  • 6 septembre 2021

    The original map of Hærvejen from hærvejen.dk shows a route through a farmers field about 600m south of Harresø Kro (not far out from Jelling).


    This did NOT work... a farmer has run an electric fence across the path and it is blocked.


    I recommend going down from Harresø Kro along the 442 instead for

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