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Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Bikepacking Mallorca (Sierra de Tramuntana)

Belén Castelló (belletoscan)

Bikepacking Mallorca (Sierra de Tramuntana)

Bikepacking Mallorca (Sierra de Tramuntana)

150 km
12,2 km/h
2 780 m
2 780 m
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Point de départ
2,64 km
Paseo Marítimo of La Palma.
4,90 km
6,41 km
Taking the Ma-103 out of La Palma
10,6 km
So many roadies getting out of La Palma
19,0 km
The town of Calvià in the distance
21,0 km
Funny cyclists photo-bombing my shot but... It came out even better with him!
24,1 km
Taking a turn into the Ma-1032
25,6 km
Plenty of lovely and luxurious stays around Mallorca
28,3 km
34,6 km
Looking for a coffee spot at Puigpunyent
35,7 km
38,2 km
The good thing about zig-zags is that gradients are very mild
40,3 km
49,0 km
49,2 km
Beautiful pass
60,7 km
63,9 km
First sight of Deià
64,8 km
64,8 km
Refugio Can Boi - Great place to spend the nice (€20 pp)
65,8 km
Deià was one of my favourite towns in Mallorca
67,9 km
The properties and views on the scenic Ma-10 will leave you speechless
73,3 km
It's all passes in this island. Up and down we go!
75,9 km
View onto the Cathedral in Sòller
76,9 km
79,4 km
Quick lunch stop in Fornalutx
And you can refill you water bottles in the town square!
80,3 km
We continue on the biggest climb of the whole traverse
80,4 km
80,7 km
The views into Fornalutx are spectacular!
81,6 km
That's what's left to the top!
86,2 km
87,9 km
Cool rock tunnels on the way up
91,6 km
Made it to the top! Túnel de Monnaber
93,8 km
And now the sweet plateau and descend
101 km
102 km
110 km
Our first opportunity at finding gravel. We are taking the detour!
111 km
111 km
So far, so good!
113 km
And here it goes! Gravel party.
114 km
Party only last so much at a time since you have to stop to open and close the fences
But now we are talking!
115 km
116 km
Wow. We missed this.
So much private property in this island...
118 km
118 km
Entering the 'Les Voltes', very cool gravel switchbacks.
Do watch out in the corners since the trail has quite a lot of loose rocks
120 km
And that was it! Off we go to find main road again.
135 km
The path is pretty cyclable other than some stretches on the way
136 km
Giving out tires a little wash...
All the way to the end to see this. You can also descent to the water if you want to!
136 km
137 km
138 km
Since we didn't get enough gravel experience, we took a detour off to Cala Boquer
141 km
And taking the fast way to L'Alcudia before the storm hits us!
143 km
149 km
149 km
And that's all of Mallorca!
150 km



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et 3 membres ont fait une sortie à vélo.

20 avril 2022


  • 20 avril 2022

    Certains appellent Majorque la Mecque du cyclisme, en raison des innombrables routes de goudron immaculées qui serpentent progressivement de haut en bas des nombreux cols des montagnes de Tramuntana au nord.


    En contraste frappant avec ses îles voisines, c'était comme si Majorque voulait désespérément

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • C'est vrai : Une Mecque du vélo de route, extrêmement peu attrayante pour le VTT. Nous avons parcouru le GR221 pendant 1 semaine, mais je ne voulais pas non plus le conduire dans de nombreux domaines 😳

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
  • 23 avril 2022

    Très instructif et bien écrit. Merci pour ces informations très détaillées. 👍🏼👍🏼🏝

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine

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