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Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie
District de Düsseldorf
région du Rhin inférieur



Randonnée - Incontournable

Recommandé par 1165 sur 1203 randonneurs

Cet Incontournable se situe dans une zone protégée

Consultez les réglementations locales : Naturpark Hohe Mark - Westmünsterland

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Position:Hamminkeln, Wesel, région du Rhin inférieur, District de Düsseldorf, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Dünenlandschaft’
  • À proximité des promenades en bois sur la lande de la forêt de Diersforther, vous pourrez admirer le magnifique paysage de dunes.
    Informations à ce sujet : ruhrpottblick.de/naturerlebnis-diersfordter-wald-die-hirschkaeferroute-in-wesel

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 1 juin 2020

  • The appearance of the Diersford Forest is characterized by large-scale, near-natural pedunculate oak stands, which can be discovered along the Hirschkäfer route. Ice-age deposits created a sandy, nutrient-poor soil here. Only a few species of trees can handle this barren soil, so the pedunculate oak dominates on almost half of the area. Old, rotten trees and dead wood create an important habitat for many plants and animals. The most important representative is the stag beetle, characteristic of the old oak forests. Woodpeckers, on the other hand, create breeding caves in the rotten wood and forest dwellers, such as bats, are frequent "followers" of these abandoned woodpecker caves. In many parts there are still mighty, partly crooked and dead oaks and old beeches. These two tree species bear witness to their use as woodland pastures. In the past, pigs and other livestock were driven into the forest (Hutewald) in the autumn. There they should eat their fill especially at the acorns and beechnuts. Pine stands testify to a later reforestation of the areas to cover the high demand for wood of earlier times.In the north lies the Stemkens Heide: inland dunes, sand-dry grasslands and sand heaths represent the open, dry and meager areas of the Diersford Forest. Here, the lizard and the woodlark feel well. What used to be kept open by forest grazing is now dogged by the big game. Red deer, fallow deer, mouflon and wild boar live in the 350 hectare wild gate.Further east, the Moorerlebnisweg leads over a wooden path to the Great Veen. The term "Veen" refers to a swampy to swampy habitat. In the spring, you can see some of the rare moor dwellers. With a bit of luck and patience, you can marvel at the flying skills of the rare dragonfly species Great Moss Damsel or listen to the bubbling mating calls of the Moor Frog. Only a few, but highly specialized plant species such as peat moss and sundew grow on and in the moor waters.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 10 octobre 2018

  • Un grand changement par rapport aux autres randonnées. Un vrai paysage de lande est impressionnant en toute saison.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 9 avril 2018

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Position:Hamminkeln, Wesel, région du Rhin inférieur, District de Düsseldorf, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

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