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nord de la Hesse
District de Kassel

Bartenwetzerbrücke // Fulda

Bartenwetzerbrücke // Fulda

Randonnée - Incontournable

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Position:Melsungen, Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, District de Kassel, nord de la Hesse, Hesse, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Bartenwetzerbrücke // Fulda’
  • The bridge takes its name from the woodcutters who moved into the city forest. They whipped their axes (whiskers) at the sandstones of the bridge to sharpen them.
    This gave the Melsunger their nickname "The Bartenwetzer".
    At this point, first documented in 1395 a bridge construction, which was probably built in the 13th century. The building was probably already made of stone and was destroyed by the winter flood in 1552.
    Until the construction of a wooden bridge in 1564, they made use of a ferry service over the FuldaThe Bartenwetzerbrücke is built from 1595 to 1596 as a stone crossing of the Fulda. Due to the short construction period, it can be assumed that the bridge was built on the foundations and remains of the previous bridge.In 1643, the bridge was so damaged during the winter flood that a rift formed, which had to be secured with the iron brackets that can still be seen today. 1655 it came to a similar damage.In 1945, two arches of the Bartenwetz bridge were blown up during the Second World War.After the war, the bridge was initially rebuilt provisionally, until 1956, the blasted arches were rebuilt in ready-mixed concrete.In 1966, on the side facing the Fulda weir, a temporary pedestrian walkway was added to increase the traffic area on the bridge. The bridge was replaced in 1973 by precast concrete parts.With completion of the Melsung Castle Bridge in 1983, the Bartenwetzerbrücke has lost its traffic function for traffic. It was therefore extensively renovated in 1986 and 1987 and restored to its original appearance. Since then, it is only used by pedestrians.
    The bridge is about 115 meters long and has a width of 6.90 meters.
    It consists of six arches, with a width of 8.95 meters, 12.46 meters, 14.73 meters, 16.26 meters, 16.52 meters and 16.80 meters from the Fulda weir seen.On the side facing the weir, the piers of the pier have triangular pointed ice deflectors, while downstream the piers are provided with round arches.
    Source (Wikipedia)

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 19 octobre 2017

  • De nombreuses traces des Bartenwetzers se trouvent dans la ville à colombages de Melsungen. Au Moyen Âge, la plupart des Melsung vivaient de l'exploitation forestière. Avant de se rendre dans la forêt de la ville pour couper du bois, ils se sont rencontrés le matin sur le vieux pont de pierre (Bartenwetzerbrücke) et ont aiguisé leurs barbes (haches) dans le grès.
    Source : https : //deutsche-maerchenstrasse.com/de/reisen/reiseziel/trägersorte/view/melsungen

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 22 décembre 2019

  • Le pont est interdit aux voitures, mais vous pouvez le traverser à vélo. Il mène directement à la vieille ville. La piste cyclable passe également par le pont.

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 3 janvier 2020

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Position:Melsungen, Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, District de Kassel, nord de la Hesse, Hesse, Allemagne

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