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Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie
District de Münster
région de la Ruhr

Zeche Prosper II, Bottrop

Zeche Prosper II, Bottrop

Randonnée - Incontournable

Recommandé par 170 sur 175 randonneurs

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Zeche Prosper II, Bottrop’
  • "La tour Malakow de plus de 30 mètres de haut de l'ancien puits Prosper II, le puits 2, est l'une des rares tours sinueuses en maçonnerie restantes dans la région de la Ruhr. La structure imposante avec son architecture richement structurée a été construite dans le style de l'historicisme.

    La Société historique Bottrop e.V., en collaboration avec la Fondation pour la préservation des monuments industriels et de la culture historique, s'est chargée de la réparation et de la reconstruction de la tour Malakow. Entre-temps, le monument s'est imposé comme un lieu d'histoire minière et migratoire, comme lieu d'événement culturel et comme installation sportive pour l'escalade. » Source : industriedenkmal-stiftung.de/docs/068456691728_de. php

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 22 avril 2018

  • "Duke Prosper Ludwig von Arenberg - that was the name of the landlord in Vest Recklinghausen after the end of the Kurkölnischen rule from 1803. The new ruler was also expressly transferred to the mountain racks in the Vest, the right to Grubenfelder to give and win one tenth mineral wealth Bergregal retained the Duke also, after his sovereignty had fallen in 1815 to Prussia.After him appointed representatives of well-known entrepreneurial families of the Ruhr district their 1856 founded union Arenberg'sche Actiengesellschaft for mining and metallurgical plant. With their fortune and prosperity, their first name was baptized in 1856: Prosper I (from Latin happy, blessed). In 1875, a second shaft went into operation, Prosper II, to which 1903 a coking plant and in the course of time joined other shafts. From the founding years comes one of the most interesting mining relics of the district: a lavishly designed Malakow tower with polygonal corner towers and a final crenellated wreath.In contrast to his "brothers" who lost their function with the technical advancement, the Prosper tower remained in operation. He received around 1900 a retracted conveyor framework, which was later replaced by a Koepe struts scaffolding. And so the tower is still the only example of this kind in the Ruhr area today and refers to the development stages of mining technology, but also on the mine. For after 1982, almost all old equipment was demolished and Prosper II got contemporary new buildings. This was necessary because the coal mined in the North Fields comes to light here - but not with the help of a scaffold, but via a "Förderberg", which went into operation in 1986. The raw coal passes through a sloping tunnel of 3,653 m in length from a depth of 779 m and with a gradient of 21% to the surface on a conveyor belt. Unique in the Ruhr area! On the lower belt, after the laundry, the tailings go underground again to be lifted on the Franz Haniel mine and transported to the neighboring heap. "Source: route-industriekultur.ruhr/themenrouten/16-westfaelische- mining route / zeche-prosper-ii.html

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 22 avril 2018

  • Ancienne mine de charbon Prosper Haniel

    Traduit avecTexte d'origine
    • 26 juin 2021

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Position:région de la Ruhr, District de Münster, Rhénanie du Nord-Westphalie, Allemagne

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