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Hamburg: Der Sievekingplatz

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Hamburg: Der Sievekingplatz

Hamburg: Der Sievekingplatz

Randonnée - Incontournable

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Position:Hambourg, Allemagne

Meilleures randonnées jusqu'à ‘Hamburg: Der Sievekingplatz’
  • The Sievekingplatz is surrounded by three U-shaped buildings. In the northern part is the criminal justice building. Opposite him stands the Civil Justice building and in its center is the Higher Regional Court. In these buildings are the most important dishes of the city, such as the Hamburg Constitutional Court, the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court, the Hamburg Regional Court and the District Court of Hamburg. All were built around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.The place was named after a descendant of a well-known Hamburg merchants and lawyers family. Ernst Friedrich Sieveking (1836-1909) was since 1879 Higher Regional Court President. His father, Friedrich Sieveking (1798-1872) was the first mayor of Hamburg in 1861 and 1862.The Holstentor stood on the site of today's Sievekingplatz. At the beginning of the 19th century, the heavily obsolete ramparts were continuously converted into green spaces. With the entry of the French in 1806 they were renewed and expanded. After the withdrawal of the French troops in 1814, the facilities were completely redesigned into a park under the guidance of landscape gardener Isaak Altmann.Through the International Horticultural Exhibition 1963, the existing three subdivisions of the old green areas (the Great Wall Plants, the Small Wall Plants and the Old Botanical Garden) were connected by road bridges and roofs to form a single park. Since 1986, the green Wallanlagenareal between Dammtor and Millerntor Planten and Blomen is called. Without limit, you can now turn from the sloping lawn of the Sievekingplatzes into the green swell of the ramparts. A water feature gives the visitor the possible directions.However, there is not only a historical connection to the old ramparts. In the judicial buildings of the judicial forum arbitrary and unfounded judgments were made against persecuted persons in times of the Third Reich. With installations and commemorative plaques, artists set a signal for reminder and remembrance for the many victims of the justice system of the Nazi regime.Sources:

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  • Au 17ème siècle, la porte Holsten se trouvait ici; c'était l'entrée de la ville.

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Position:Hambourg, Allemagne

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