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Cookie's companions👣🐾🐾💔💔 a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

Partez à l'aventure avec l'app n°1 des activités de plein air.

Cookie's companions👣🐾🐾💔💔

Braving hail and torrential rain around Queen's Park (Komoot stopped working?!)

Cookie's companions👣🐾🐾💔💔

Braving hail and torrential rain around Queen's Park (Komoot stopped working?!)

Braving hail and torrential rain around Queen's Park (Komoot stopped working?!)

1,46 km
6,1 km/h
20 m
10 m
  • Enregistrer une copie du Tour


0 m
70 m
337 m
461 m
516 m
700 m
759 m
813 m
813 m
827 m
827 m
943 m
967 m
1,13 km
1,39 km
1,45 km
1,46 km



Profil du Tour

Profil de vitesse

a fait une randonnée.

16 février 2020


  • 16 février 2020

    For some reason, it didn't record it all?


    Anyhow, the heavens opened as soon as I had donned my welligogs and reached the end of our street.


    I had to shield Cookie with my body from the pelting hailstones for several minutes.


    I decided to press on after the worst had ceased and it turned to heavy rain.



  • 16 février 2020

    It's made a real mess hasn't it 😳 poor trees! Well done for braving the weather! I'm putting off going for a run, think I may postpone until tomorrow 😂

  • Don't postpone it. Adversity makes you tougher. Go girl!

  • I expect a recorded run uploaded shortly!

  • 16 février 2020

    Has Cookie grown? 🤔😁

  • Erm, significantly.


    I think I was duped.


    I am now very much of the opinion that she was sired by a standard poodle.

    NOT a toy or miniature.

    I'm afraid she is going to be a standard cockapoo.

    She is more than I bargained for but there is no going back.😆

    I'm smitten.

  • 16 février 2020

    A pretty lady, they grow on you fast, and never give them back

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