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UdoS 🇺🇦🕊 a découvert cet endroit avec komoot !

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UdoS 🇺🇦🕊

graues Nichts ... Statement to Söhni ✌Tour 26.02.2021

UdoS 🇺🇦🕊

graues Nichts ... Statement to Söhni ✌Tour 26.02.2021

graues Nichts ... Statement to Söhni ✌Tour 26.02.2021

20,1 km
19,6 km/h
290 m
290 m
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Point de départ
13,2 km
13,7 km
14,1 km
15,2 km
16,8 km
17,7 km
20,1 km



Profil du Tour

Profil de vitesse

a fait du gravel.

26 février 2021


  • 26 février 2021

    Even the cloudy sky had a bit of light and a few tears left 😔

    The time will always come when the pioneers and explorers have to hand over their place to the younger ones. It's just a shame that due to a misunderstood point system they only know the highlights from their PC, or think after three public

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  • 26 février 2021

    Nothing to add to that!

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  • 26 février 2021

    That's nice of you Udo, we'll all miss Söhni, I hope he'll think twice.

    And Komoot should learn something from it too! 👍🏻

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  • 26 février 2021

    Well roared, lion 👍👏

    Actually, exactly this common mission should unite and motivate us.

    I only appreciate that the Pioneer Vultures, who are addicted to profiling, are driven more by their own arrogance - especially since there is obviously a lack of respect for taking in the laboriously built work

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  • 26 février 2021

    As so often, Armin takes the words out of my mouth!

    Great action Udo!

    I agree with that....

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  • 26 février 2021

    @ Pam: Söhni stays here of course! Can't just leave yourself behind like that. He just said goodbye to the incentives offered by expert or pioneer titles!

    @Udo: I just have no words for your action. That's why I won't say anything else, except that I'm touched! THANK YOU 🙏

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  • 26 février 2021

    "I agree with you"

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  • 26 février 2021

    @Söhni yeah 😃😃😃😃 so happy!!

  • 26 février 2021

    Great your statement, Udo! I totally agree. When I received the title "Expert" for mountain biking and hiking in Bayreuth from Komoot, I had to laugh heartily! That doesn't matter! I really like to use Komoot a lot. It is so fun to plan tours with it and to get suggestions. I also try to contribute by

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  • 26 février 2021

    Oh Brigitte, I think even if he knows the way, it will fit. After all, it is simply a matter of consciously freeing yourself from the points etc. and setting an example against this confused system. You're doing it right

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  • 26 février 2021

    So if you want to take part, think of Söhni's words on your next tour and just write them in the title 😃

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  • 26 février 2021

    I am so happy that there are “old hands” (like Söhni, you, ...). Without you, I couldn't go on a discovery tour with the 🚴‍♀️ alone. Because of the highlights you discovered, I first saw the natural beauties. So thank you very much. 🙏🙏🙏


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